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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Even the Flowers don't Like THIS much RAIN

Those of you on Facebook have heard me complain and post comments and pictures last weekend.  On Saturday and Sunday (July 6 and 7),  we had 6.5 inches of rain.... On Saturday,  the rain was constant and we had 5 inches that day.  Then Sunday,  it only rained once --but it was a 'gully-washer' since we got another 1.5 inches at one time... Most of these photos were taken on Sunday--after the 'gully washer'... Luckily,  the skies cleared on Sunday afternoon--and we actually saw some SUNSHINE for a few hours that day.  It felt wonderful...

The picture above shows some of the daylilies begging for the rain to finally stop.  Be sure to click on the photos in order to see enlargements.

Here's a photo of one of our rose bushes... Note that all of the roses are drooping and turning brown because of TOO much rain... I always say that the roses are bowing their heads and praying for the rain to STOP.

Here are some photos of the heavy rains in our front yard.

And here are some photos taken from our deck of the back yard (near the golf course fairway).   Bet nobody played golf on this rainy day!!!!


Here is a photo of our driveway---with the water running across it --as it makes its way down the hill.

Now---here's the good news.... We DO need rain---and the plants/flowers love it (unless it is too heavy like now).  BUT--when I think of the alternative--drought---I'll choose rain anytime...

More good news is that we have had a COOL June and July so far because of the rain.  I hate HOT weather ---so I am thrilled to say that it's been fairly cool most of the summer.  BUT--August is usually our hottest month---SO??????????

And --more good news is that we can get some great pictures outside AFTER the rain.  Here are four pictures for you to enjoy!!!!

Lily Buds with water droplets

Lavender Deal Daylily with water droplets

Touching Lily with water droplets

Sedona Rose with water droplets
See????  There is good that comes along with the 'not-so-good'..... Don't you just love seeing the water drops on the flowers?   We manage to take plenty of photos during the rainy days --as well as the sunny days.

Truly though,  there has been WAY too much rain in all of the surrounding areas  of Tennessee lately.   Our home was 'high-and-dry' here --but don't forget those who live on the river or creeks --and who may have had some severe damage to their homes and other buildings/property due to the flooding...

UPDATE:  I wrote this post on Sunday ---and am here to say that on Monday,  we only had a tiny bit of rain about 6:30 p.m.  Then on Tuesday,  we had a rain-free morning with some sunshine (yeah) ---but had some thunderstorms and a rainy afternoon....  At least though,  the rain was not heavy.

AND--I heard on the news on Tuesday night that there is a tropical storm which 'could' come our way the first of next week and give us LOTS more rain... Gads---I hope not!!!!!  

Have a great Wednesday --and be sure to hop over to my Photo Blog (click HERE) to see a gorgeous photo today.
