Happy Fourth of July!!!!! As you enjoy this holiday today, I encourage you to fly the flag proudly and read the poem below carefully, thinking exactly what our flag really does stand for! Most of the time in this country, we take our liberty for granted. And --we seldom take time to stop and truly thank God for those Americans (past and present) who have worked hard and are still working hard for the freedoms that we enjoy.
Today, as we eat our traditional 4th of July meal (hot dogs, slaw, potato salad, and watermelon), I WILL take time to sit and look at our flag (which is pictured above--but obviously during the winter)---and I WILL pray for our soldiers and for our country in general. We all really do have so much to be thankful for. God Bless America--and God Bless YOU. Happy 4th!!!
by Lawrence M. Jones
I am a composite being of all the people of America.
I am the union if you are united.
I am one and indivisible if you are undivided.
I am as strong as the weakest link.
I am an emblem of your country.
I am a symbol of the shadow of the real.
I am a sign pointing to past achievments.
I am a promise of greater things for the future.
I am what you make me.
I am purity if you are pure.
I am bravery if you are brave.
I am loyalty if you are loyal.
I am honor if you are honorable.
I am goodness if you are good.
I am hope if you are hopeful.
I am truth if you are true.
I am the Constitution.
I am law and order.
I am tolerance or intolerance as you force me to be.
I am liberty as you understand liberty.
I am as a pillar of fire by night, but you must provide the fuel.
I march at the head of the column, but you must carry me on.
I stand for greater and more glorious achievement than can be found in recorded history, but you must be my inspiration.
In honor of AMERICA, I thought I'd show you a couple of Patriotic birds. The male House Finch and the male Cardinal enjoyed a meal together at my plate feeder. How appropriate on the birthday of America!!!!!
Have a wonderful holiday weekend. God Bless America!
Hugs to ALL,
P.S. Our Brown Thrasher babies have NOT fledged yet... I'm going to watch them carefully this weekend!!!! Wish me luck!