Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Smile is BACK

Thank ALL of you for the notes, cards, calls, ecards, texts, Facebook notes,  and emails... I have been a sick little kitty---having been in the hospital 2 different times for the total of 9 days!!!!!  Even though I published 7 blogs after getting sick (since they were in the 'hopper' ready to post),  I think I have been sick for about 16-17 days.  I have never been this sick before.

First,  I had abdominal bleeding --which they fixed (after I had 4 units of blood).  (I had been anemic for awhile --and they finally found the 'bleed'.)  Then,  the hardest part was that, after that,  I had a blockage inside of me ---preventing me from having a bowel movement.   My poor tummy looked like it had a basketball in it,  or maybe I was about 10 months pregnant... ha

After lots of agony ---they finally put me back into the hospital and ran a bunch of tests...  The CT Scan (with liquids going through my body) found the culprit..... I had developed a HERNIA right on top of my small bowel.  

Surgery to repair the hernia happened this past Tuesday ---and I came home on Wednesday feeling like a new person.  I'm still not 100% --and have to take it easy for awhile... SO--I may not post a blog (or be on Facebook) every day yet... BUT--I'll do some each day --gradually gathering my strength back.

George has been wonderful protecting me through all of this.  He has taken care of me from beginning to end --and I truly couldn't have gotten through this without him...

This has been hard for a gal like me who is NEVER sick!!!!!!!   The picture above was taken on our recent trip to West Virginia....  Can't wait to get out there and hike again!!!!

Hugs and Thanks Again to ALL.  I have missed you so much!