Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Smile is BACK

Thank ALL of you for the notes, cards, calls, ecards, texts, Facebook notes,  and emails... I have been a sick little kitty---having been in the hospital 2 different times for the total of 9 days!!!!!  Even though I published 7 blogs after getting sick (since they were in the 'hopper' ready to post),  I think I have been sick for about 16-17 days.  I have never been this sick before.

First,  I had abdominal bleeding --which they fixed (after I had 4 units of blood).  (I had been anemic for awhile --and they finally found the 'bleed'.)  Then,  the hardest part was that, after that,  I had a blockage inside of me ---preventing me from having a bowel movement.   My poor tummy looked like it had a basketball in it,  or maybe I was about 10 months pregnant... ha

After lots of agony ---they finally put me back into the hospital and ran a bunch of tests...  The CT Scan (with liquids going through my body) found the culprit..... I had developed a HERNIA right on top of my small bowel.  

Surgery to repair the hernia happened this past Tuesday ---and I came home on Wednesday feeling like a new person.  I'm still not 100% --and have to take it easy for awhile... SO--I may not post a blog (or be on Facebook) every day yet... BUT--I'll do some each day --gradually gathering my strength back.

George has been wonderful protecting me through all of this.  He has taken care of me from beginning to end --and I truly couldn't have gotten through this without him...

This has been hard for a gal like me who is NEVER sick!!!!!!!   The picture above was taken on our recent trip to West Virginia....  Can't wait to get out there and hike again!!!!

Hugs and Thanks Again to ALL.  I have missed you so much!


Anonymous said...

Very thankful to hear that you are better, Betsy. God bless you and George.

Big Dude said...

Great to see you're well enough to be on the computer.

Tabor said...

My prior post (not todays) was just for you it appears. Get well, but be patient with yourself.

Beth said...

It so good to see your smiling face again, even if the pic was taken awhile ago. That blockage stuff can be quite painful and even dangerous, so we're doubly blessed that you got through it all.

Rest, take care of yourself, and continure to let George 'baby' you some---don't rush the recovery time or you can suffer a relapse.

I have missed your blogs and you.
I love the new header with that sunning rainbow. You have so many amazing shots!:>)

Anonymous said...

Thank the Lord for this Praise Report!! So glad to see you and here and read that you are doing better!

penny said...

Bless your heart you have had a rough time for quite some time. Glad to hear you are on the mend and doing well.

Betsy, you are the luckiest gal in the world to have George taking such good care of you.


Valerie said...

Hey Betsy . . . Glad to hear you are on the mend. Praising God for doctors and medical folks who are able to diagnose and get the healing started. Praising God for bodies that heal!! Praising God that He gave you George to take care of you. Thanking God for your health and speedy and soon to be complete recovery!!

Out on the prairie said...

So nice to see that beautiful smile.It is rough to have your feet kicked out from under you like that.You are in my thoughts and prayers.

diane b said...

Welcome back! Love the new header. It knocks you hard when not used to being ill. Hopefully you will bounce back to that smiling, hiking gal above. Take care and take your time returning to "work".

RoeH said...

My Goodness! So glad you are up and around. Nothing worse than having several things going crazy at the same time.

Melanie said...

Hi, Betsy,
My goodness, you have really had a time! So sorry to hear you've been sick, but I'm glad to hear you're doing better! Just take it easy and let your sweet hubby take care of you!♥

Harriet said...

Betsy, So glad to hear that you are getting better. Take care! I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.

Catherine said...

You poor girl! I am so glad that pretty smile is back on your face and that you are ready to get back at it!

Wishing you a very healthy and happy November sweet Betsy!

xo Catherine

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Great news that you are on the mend Betsy, you were missed !!
Thank you George for taking such good care of this sweet lady, I'm sure you were beside yourself to see her in such a state, being one who is never sickly.
Hugs to you both !

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Glad you're on the mend....relax and take care of yourself!! Kudos to George for being "him"!!!

Diane AZ said...

Hi Betsy, Welcome back! I'm so glad you're feeling better and getting your strength back. Please take it easy as you recover. Beautiful picture! :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That sounds horrible! I hope you feel much better soon!

Arkansas Patti said...

Aw Betsy, I am so very sorry you have been through such a grind. Mercy. The only good thing is that they have fixed the problem and through the whole ordeal, you were in Georges loving hands. Poor George, I hope someone helped him through it for you know he had to have been worried sick.
Take your time healing Betsy and just enjoy each misery free day with your honey.
Be 100% really soon.

Chatty Crone said...

I am always thankful to God that when I put a person on my prayer list - I can see a positive answer.
Praise the Lord.
You take it easy and write when you can then you will be back to normal soon. You are loved and missed.


Ruth Hiebert said...

Praise God for the medical community,who can make the necessary repairs when we need them.Take it easy and take all the time you need to get back to full health and strength.
Love and Hugs,Ruth

linda m said...

Just glad you are back and feeling better. We have all missed you so much.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

It's so good to hear from you again, Betsy. You had us all pretty worried. And it sounds as if we had good reason to worry. Love the rainbow in your header.

Take care of yourself and take it slowly for awhile.

From the Kitchen said...

Big smile on my face!! While I was down south having fun, you were not having fun. I'm so glad you are on the mend. You are very fortunate to have George as part of your recovery team!!


Shug said...

Good Morning Betsy..
I am so thankful that you are on the mend. Have missed you tremendously...Hope each day brings about more strength for you...
Love the new header! Give George a big hug from me for taking care of my friend.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, poor girl! i'm so sorry it was so serious! twice! maybe you just got all of it over at once so now you can be strong and healthy for the next few years again!

(and your smile makes me think of my next door neighbor, june - whom i adore - she has dark hair, but your smile is just like hers...) :)

Lisa said...

Really glad to hear that you are recovering. This is the time to rest and do nothing:) That is if you can do it!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a relief to see your post today. now we know you are BACK and ALIVE. that header photo is one of my most favorite you have ever posted. wow.. really wow. so happy they found and repaired and that you can sit long enough to type. when you stopped posting i knew you were really really sick. welcome back, we missed you

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am so glad you are home and can rest and get better now. Hugs to both of you!!!! xoxoxo

Christine said...

Welcome back Betsy! So glad you're on the mend. George deserves a big hug for taking such good care of you!

Snap said...

So good to hear you are on the mend. Take care. Wishing you well.

Dorothy said...

So glad you are on the mend! Being sick is the pits! We miss your happy self when you are away!

Barbara said...

Love that wonderful smile, and good to see you back posting, continuing prayer for you my dear friend.
Praying God's healing hand upon you.

imac said...

So pleased to see you back Betsy, you sure have been thru the mill my friend.
Julie(DW) had a blockage a few years ago, so she knows just what you went through.

But - now's the time to take things easy and go at a pace that's comfortable for a while.

Im in awe of your Header my friend.

Keep smiling.

Anonymous said...

My goodness, Betsy, I'm so glad you're better, now... I haven't visited this whole week & this is what I find today?! Jeez! That 'no bowel movement' business can be serious... my dad was in the hospital a couple months ago w/ the same problem. God bless you, and George, too... It's sooo much better when there's someone there that loves you to help... not just some nurse, ya know?!

Well, I hope you're on the mend from here on out!!! =)

Pedaling said...

oh my, you've been through the ringer.
Thank heavens for George!
I am so happy to hear you are feeling better and are now on the mend!
Have a good weekend. Take it easy.

Fred Alton said...

OMGoodness, Betsy! I didn't know. I do pray that you're back on the hiking trail soon - free of pain! I'm very glad you have George there taking care of you.

BTW - I love the picture of the falls with the rainbow, reminding us that God has made promises to us.

LV said...

My word Betsy, I did not realize you were going through so much. I have been our of town and was not aware of your illness. Do trust you are on the mend and will continue with to be blessed. You know I get concerned if something goes wrong with you or George.

Karin said...

So good to see your smile again! Thanking the Lord for you! He will continue to see you through it. I'm happy that George could be there for you and take care. Not every hubby can do that as some need care themselves! Blessings to you for a 100% recovery! Hugs!

Connie said...

Sounds like it was quite an ordeal for you, Betsy. I'm sorry to hear you have been so sick, but I'm so glad to hear you are doing better now.

Loran said...

Betsy, I"m so glad you are feeling better and smiling again! Don't over do it, take care of yourself and stay well!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Betsy, gosh am I glad to see your beautiful smile even if it isn't a real recent photo! I'm so happy to hear you are on the mend, I was afraid that you had something pretty serious going on. I bet George was worried sick about you, but I'm sure glad he was there to help you. You take care of yourself and don't worry about blogging if you're not up to it. We'll be here waiting! Love and hugs, Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, You poor dear! Oh how glad I am that you are feeling better. Take it easy, take medicines as directed or needed and just mend. You are in my prayers. Have a good day today and a pleasant evening!

DeniseinVA said...

Oh my gosh Betsy, I had no idea you had been so sick. I wish you the speediest of recoveries and thank goodness it sounds like you are well on the road. I have not been visiting too many blogs either because I am spending most of my time between our home and my father-in-law's home after his heart surgery. I am not able to get on the computer as much as I would like but am happy to be popping in today to wish you well and send you a big hug from Northern Virginia. George is a great husband isn't he to give you all that TLC, wonderful!!!

I Am Woody said...

So, so glad you are on the mend! You really had me worried!! And seriously, what would we do without our 'nurses'!!

Ms. A said...

My goodness, Betsy, you were drug through a knothole backward! Glad you are on the mend!


Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness, I worried so much when there were no "smile, it's a waterfall" posts for day after day. And now to find out how sick you were...so very glad you are on the mend :-) Please tell George 'thank you' for being your rock in the storm.

Take care of you now, and don't over-do. Gentle hugs!

Serenity Cove said...

Oh I'm so glad you are feeling better! Sorry you had to go through all that.
I love your header and I'm so glad to see you back. You sure have been missed.

trump said...

Im very happy Besty that everything so far seems to be working out for you. And i miss your reg post's and you coming over to my own blog. Richard

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your rainbow picture is beautiful, and so fitting today, for your first post back!!!! This is such a miserable and scary condition!!! When I was in the hospital with diverticulitis, I had a partial blockage. How was the hernia causing the bleeding? And how did you get one, have you been lifting things?? Did they do laproscopic surgery or do you have a big incision? Don't try to sit in front of the computer too much at first, don't post every day yet. SO glad to see you back, Betsy!!!!!

Unknown said...

Whew! Thought we were gonna have to call out the dogs and go search for you Missy! Glad all is well now. Just take it easy, enjoy being protected and pampered, and get your strength back. So good to see you back with us!

Susie Swanson said...

Oh I'm so sorry Betsy, but I'm thankful to know you are on the mend. Like I said on fb. we can be up one minute and down the next.You take good care of yourself and don't push it. You will get your strength back in time and Lord's willing we'll be here..Hugs, Susie

HolleyGarden said...

What an ordeal! So glad you got great care from the hospital, and the surgeries went well. So glad that George took care of you. It's always comforting to have someone by your side while you're in the hospital. Get well soon, but don't push yourself. Let your body heal, and you'll be doing cartwheels (and hiking) again soon!

Sally Wessely said...

You have been through it Betsy. I hardly know what to say. Where does one start?

Thankfully they found what your problem was and were able to get you fixed up.

You are an incredibly strong woman in body and in spirit.

You have a wonderful husband who has greatly supported you and helped you.

You are greatly loved by many.

Take the time it gets to get well and strong again. It doesn't happen in one day.

nanny said...

Oh Betsy, I am so sorry to hear about your illnesses!! Those are just awful. Not easy to get over.

You take it easy and let George keep pampering you.

Love the header picture. Fantastic.

Donna said...

I had totally missed this news about you being sick! What planet have I been on? I guess it rolled through my Google Reader and it went right over my head. Wow, you have had a time of it! I daresay that you are going to have to get a lot of rest to get your strength back. Just having general anesthesia sets you back, but you had some dangerous stuff going on inside.

I'm so glad that you are getting well and that George was there like a trouper taking care of you! {{{{{HUGS}}}}}}

Ann said...

so good to see your smiling face again. I've missed you. Glad to hear that you are on the mend. Take it easy and I'll be thinking of you

Birdman said...

Welcome back and good health to you.

mudderbear said...

The new header picture is awesome. I hoped it means you are feeling better. What a shock and a trial for you, and George, to go through. You're such a trooper. I really hope, and pray, that all goes well for you. Take is easy. Tell George we all greatly appreciate his devotion to you.

Diane said...

So glad you're back among the living Betsy and that you're on the other side of that awful stuff. Looking forward to see you back to your self. Diane

carolina nana said...

So glad you are finally on the mend. I kept checking George's blog for updates about you.
Blessings to you

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

Oh my gosh. I'm glad to see you're so much better. That hubby of yours is a keeper!

Andrea said...

Hi wonderful Betsy, thanks God you are well now and back. Maybe the body said you should take a rest from travelling and chasing waterfalls. hahaha! Now everything repaired you will be hiking again in no time. Just be happy and we are with you in prayers. Take care. Thanks also to George, the ever faithful caring George.

JDS said...

It does not sound like you have had a fun couple of weeks, to put it mildly. I am glad you are on the mend and hope you continue to get better.

PS. I hope LSU wins.

Loren said...

Goodness sakes Betsy! Bless Your Heart!! I am so glad you are on the mend! You just take care of you ok!!! We will all be here when you feel like coming back!!

Will be praying for complete healing and blessings for you both! Your George is precious ~ You two are so blessed to have one another!!!

Take things easy ok :) Love and HUGS!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Welcome back Betsy!
It is good to see your smile again. I'm glad they got you all fixed up and feeling better. Take it easy and don't overdo.

Big Hugs!

Jane said...

Betsy - I am sorry to hear that you have been so very sick. Please take care of yourself and know that you and George are in my thoughts and prayers. Glad you are on the mend!


Anonymous said...

Betsy, I've missed you and glad that you're recovering. Take it easy. Lots of love to you and George. Continuing to remember you both in prayer. x

Anonymous said...

It's good to see you back, Betsy. I am glad they found the hernia and were able to fix the problem. Take care! There's just one of you!

mamahasspoken said...

Glad to see you are back and writing! Here's to a speedy recovery!

Annesphamily said...

Oh goodness I did not know you were so sick! I am glad you are better. You are in my prayers. E mail me your address. I would love to send a card your way. Your photos here are always so stunning. Hugs Anne

Glenda said...

Oh my, Betsy! I'm glad you are feeling better and that your problems have been fixed. You will feel so much better in the future, I'm sure. Take care of yourself!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Now that's way sicker than I thought but glad that the outcome is a good one. Hernia's a re tricky. I had one that just popped up and had to be fixed before I could fly. I was out of the country. Got to experience a developing nation's medical place, pay as you go!
George must have been worried.Seems like a great support to you :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

So glad you are feeling better! I have a friend that has similar problems like you had...I know it is always good to be home again.

HappyK said...

I am so sorry to hear of the ordeal you have been living through. Glad to hear you are on the mend now.
How wonderful that you have George to take care of you. You are blessed to have each other. : )

Cicero Sings said...

Haven't been much on the computer of late. Sorry to hear of your illnesses. Ugh. Can't have been fun (what sickness is?). Glad you are on the mend.

My sister died yesterday and today I have a headache. I am at her place in a town where I know no one. The fellow that is the executor is coming this afternoon so I hope he can take it from here. I want to go HOME! It's a long story, took long for an iPod.

Wendy said...

Oh Betsy! I am so glad you are o.k now!!! Wow - what a horrible experience for you and I know your dear George was a godsend to you!!

Welcome back! Take lots of time to rest. The body needs to heal from all that surgery and upheaval.

Sending hugs and prayers for your continued recovery.

NCmountainwoman said...

I do know exactly how you feel. I had a massive GI bleed in 2009. Take it easy, now, and rest. Right now everything is secondary to your healing. As the Golden Girls would say, "HEEL" oops, "HEAL."

Anonymous said...

Do take it easy and get stronger day by day.

Kelly said...

Oh my gosh, Betsy. What an ordeal. Glad you are home and on the mend. Rest up and get well soon! :-)

Jeanne said...

Well I do hope you will be back to hiking and taking beautiful waterfall pictures soon! You are so lucky to have such a good husband to take care of you. Take care!!

Lola said...

Things have been hectic here but wanted you to know prayers are on their way for your continued return to great health. I am so glad you are doing better.
Much love.

Splendid Little Stars said...

Oh Betsy! so glad you are on the mend again! And bless George for taking such good care of you!

Terry and Linda said...

I'm so glad you are better. I also love the header with the rainbow...so fitting...Hope and beauty. Yes, Betsy, your smile is back and we are all happy for you!


Elettra said...

I hope you're well! !! Greetings

Janice K said...

I am so thankful you found out what was wrong and are well on your way to recovery. It's nice to see your smile! God bless!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Betsy, these were very serious aliments so I'm very glad to hear you are in recovery and are beginning tio feel stronger. Please take it eay and do not overdo --give yourself time to heal. We are all here for you when you return. Rest, rest, rest!

Mary said...

We're glad to see the smile back :-) I didn't realize just how sick you had been. I'm so glad you are OK now. Rest up and I know George will take good care of you! Hugs and prayers from here.

The Retired One said...

Oh, hon...I had no idea you have been sick or hospitalized...I am so far behind in reading other people's blogs, but I wondered because you always make comments on my blogposts and I hadn't heard from you in a while. Thank goodness they found the problem and that you are recouperating now. I know George took good care of you and I am sending big hugs your way!! xxoo

Twilight Man said...

Oh dear, you were sick and hospitalized!! I was not even aware as you always looked strong like an OX to me! I am happy that you are getting better with George's love and care! This is better than medicine.

Angela said...

I'm so glad that you are getting better! I do hope and pray that you are feeling much better now!
