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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

More from SERENITY

Yesterday, I showed you the inside of our cabin at Serenity Falls (near Cosby, TN). Today--I want to show you the area outside around that little 'holler'. Above is a picture of me standing at the Serenity Falls sign. Below are more photos from that area. (By the way, if any of you want info about these cabins --since it was so awesome, I'll be glad to share it.)

This is the little road leading into that holler. We loved it because of the authentic and historic preservation of the area, and because of the privacy. There are so many little log cabins being built in the Smokies---usually with the cabins close together with no privacy and no view. This one is SO different. We highly recommend it --if you ever get to the Smokies.

We are getting closer to the end of the road. You can see our car parked on the left at the end of the road. It is beside our cabin--and if you look closely, you can see part of the waterfall.

This is where the owners live... They renovated this old farmhouse---and it is gorgeous. These are the luckiest people in the world to live in this 'holler'.

This is a picture of another cabin which is for rent. This one was/is the "General Store".

This cabin is called "Tillie's Stall". We didn't get a picture of the 4th cabin for rent--but it is called "Will's Barn".... I would always choose the one we stayed in since it is the one closest to the waterfall... The name of our cabin is "Ed's Mill".

This little bridge goes across the creek --which runs behind the cabins. George is taking pictures of this area.

George took this picture of our cabin (deck) --from that little bridge which crosses the creek.

This is another view of the little creek--which flows on down the mountain from the waterfall. Note the pretty Forsythia bush. Did I mention that this is a beautiful place?????? ha

One of the many Forsythia bushes ---up close and personal!!!! Isn't it beautiful???

This is the 'hang-out' area near the waterfall. Besides the swing and picnic table, there are also benches and a fire-pit. The owners told us that there are LOTS of weddings here right beside the waterfall. What a neat setting for a wedding, don't you think???

I am sitting on one of the benches in the neat little area next to the waterfall. Isn't Serenity Falls one of the prettiest waterfalls you've ever seen???

I took this picture of George while we were wandering around the area taking photos. You can see our gorgeous cabin again--with that neat deck and big picture-window.

Here's one last photo --looking toward our cabin with Serenity Falls in the background. Oh---how wonderful this little vacation was!!!!