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Monday, February 17, 2014

Our Celebration of LOVE

Us on Valentine's Day 2014
George and I love to celebrate ---as most of you know!!!!  This year on Valentine's Day was no exception.  Our plans changed ---so we were at home this past week!  (More on that in Wednesday's blog post.)  BUT--that didn't keep us from having a great time together.

The picture above was taken of us at home before we opened gifts and then went out to dinner...  I have mentioned my new glasses --but here are some photos with me wearing them.  I have never worn glasses (except to read)...  I thought this was going to be a huge transition time for me---but I have adjusted to the Progressive Lens (Bifocals without lines) rather easily.   George says he likes me in glasses --but he 'would' say that you know!!!!! ha...  Anyhow ---I can SEE now much better so that is what is important.

We first opened cards to each other ---and as many of you know,  I LOVE getting cards (although most people don't send them much these days).

Here is George opening his card. I think he liked it!!!!!

George actually gave me TWO gifts this year...  I have been begging him for a big picture of one of his special water shots (with his special filter)... This beautiful  Framed Poster (of George's photo) was taken above Bald River Falls near Tellico Plains, Tennessee.  Isn't it gorgeous?

I gave George (actually US) two new Valentine's Coffee/ Tea mugs...  I love the heart- shaped handles.  If you can't read it,  it says that 'we go together like the moon and stars'.  Don't you think that that fits the two of us quite well????? ha

Here is a picture I took of George as he opened his little gift.   (We have already tried the mugs ---and the hot tea tasted really good in them!!!!)

Okay---so here is the other gift George gave me.   NOTE that it is the same photo (he took)...  He couldn't decide which to get,  the canvas (above) or the framed poster... SO--since Zazzle ran a special,  he got them both... I love them both--but the canvas is definitely my favorite.  It's now on the wall in our Computer Room (Office) with the others he has gotten.  SO SO SO gorgeous....

SO---what did I decide to do with the Framed Poster?  It's hanging on the wall in our bedroom --and I can see it when I step out of bed each morning.... Love it there!!!!

I think George was pleased with the Canvas---and since he took that photo,  I wanted a picture of him with it!!!!!   LOVE it and LOVE him!!!!

Finally,  here is another photo of the two of us on our sofa ---before we left for a fantastic dinner at the Olive Garden.... Wow---what a celebration and what a fabulous day!!!  Thank You, Sweetheart,  for another beautiful day with you in paradise!!!!! I am so blessed.

Hope you had a good week ---and hope you found LOVE and BLESSINGS on Valentine's Day --and EVERY DAY.

This coming Wednesday---I'll share about our disappointment ---but also about some JOYS in our lives this past week!!!!  So tune back in then!
