Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stonewall Falls, Tiger, GA

As both George and I have mentioned,  when we travel,  we usually try to break up the trip by visiting some waterfalls along the way, both going and coming.  In December,  on our way to Ocean Isle Beach,  we stopped at Tiger, GA (Near Clayton) to visit a little waterfall named  STONEWALL FALLS.

We drove back into the woods and then took a short hike in order to see this little waterfall. Above is our first view of Stonewall Falls.  Below are more.

Here is another picture showing the falls surrounded by Rhododendron.

This is a small cascade near Stonewall Falls... We named it Stonewall Creek Cascades.  This was such a beautiful hiking area.

My favorite part of this hike was seeing the gorgeous Rhododendrons in that area.  The trail followed the creek --and the hike itself was worth taking.

I loved looking up at the sky and the pine trees ---while we were at Stonewall Falls.

I had to get a picture of the best reason to be at Stonewall Falls on a beautiful December day...  Here he is!!!

Here is one final picture of a beautiful little waterfall in Georgia.   I could have sat there and listened to the sound of the falls and looked at those Rhododendrons forever!!!!!  BUT--we had to get on the road --since the beach was also calling our names!!!!

Several have asked how we find waterfalls WAY back in the woods like we do... WELL--there are lots of waterfall books (usually by the state or area) with tons of information including directions on how to get there.  AND--we also have the internet which also gives alot of info.  If you were to google  "Stonewall Falls, GA"  --you would find lots of information.  Apparently there is a great mountain biking trail nearby...
