Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

IRISES in our Yard 2015--Part II

On Monday,  I showed you the first 10 of our 20 different Iris varieties from this year's group.  I hope you saw that post...  IF not check it out since it is below this one... Today I'll share with you the remaining little beauties.  As I said on Monday,  our Irises this year really did well.  AND--some of them are re-bloomers --so hopefully,  they will bloom again in the Fall!!!

The picture above shows some of our Irises in the Road Bed.  You can also see the gorgeous pink Azaleas in our front yard.  This picture was taken on 5/8/15.  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

11.  Cable Car Iris  (photo taken on 5/10/15)

12. Queen Dorothy Irises  (5/7/15)

13. Cantina Irises (5/8/15)

14.  Waltz Across Texas Irises (5/9/15)

15. Clarence Irises  (4/29/15)

16.  Harvest of Memories Irises (5/10/15)

17.  Feedback Irises (5/11/15)

18.  Honey Glazed Irises  (4/28/15)

19.  Bountiful Harvest Iris (5/9/15)

20.  Mother Earth Iris  (5/11/15);  This one was NEW to our yard this year.

Another picture showing you just how many Irises we had.. AND---this is only ONE bed (of many) around our yard!!!!!  
I hate that is' OVER for this year...  Like I said,  some of these are re-bloomers --so they will bloom again in the Fall.   Irises are one of the 'easiest'  plants to grow.  They take almost no care at all ---and the deer/critters won't bother them!!!!!   Oh how I love my Irises!!!!!

Now it's time for you to pick a favorite from this group of 10.  I numbered them to help you with your choices.  My favorites from this group are Numbers 14 and 19 ---but I also like Number 20 since it is new to our yard!!!!!

I have decided to take two weeks off from blogging since I have so much going on now ---and can't get time to blog (or even do other things I would like to do)...  Maybe I will catch up a little by the time I get back to blogging on June 15. For those of you on Facebook,  you can always keep up with me there!!!!

Have a wonderful first couple of weeks in June!!
