Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow in the Glade---Finally!!

Guess what???? We finally got a little snow on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee.. I've been waiting (not very patiently) for some snow since November!!! It blew around in the air a couple of times the past month or so--but yesterday was our first 1-2 inch snow. I know---I know--that's that still not MUCH. But hey, I cannot say any longer that we didn't have snow this winter. Ha Ha... My hubby said: "Okay, we had snow. Now is it time for spring?"

Like we always do, we took some pictures to share. Above it a picture looking out from our deck toward the back yard (and golf course fairway). See any golfers???? HA... More pictures of our yard and of our birds are below.

Above is the snow on one of our Holly bushes and one of our solar lamps.. I don't think it was very bright last night, ya think???? ha

The above picture is looking toward the front yard from the garage. Can you see my bench??? You are invited to come and sit with me (I'll even provide some sweeeeeeeet tea) in the spring when the roses are blooming. It's a neat place to sit and smell the roses!!!!

Wanna come for a picnic??? I'll open the umbrella!!!! Note also our big Rhododendron on the right side of the picture. It looks alot better than it did all shriveled up the other night when the temperature was ZERO. (The temperature got all of the way up to 26 degrees yesterday!)

"Hey Lady---what is that white stuff coming out of the sky? I'm gonna stay here at this feeder all day and feed a 'few' of my buddies below."

Oh the Pine Siskins!!! They ate all day long!!!! Some stay at the hanging feeders--and they drop plenty of seed for all of the masses BELOW on the deck to enjoy. I don't know how many birds we had today but I do know that there were NINE varieties and all in all, there were LOTS and LOTS of hungry birds. (No more Starlings, thank goodness!)