My gorgeous Texas granddaughter (I'll call her "B") is a Sophomore in high school this year, which is very hard for this Grammy to believe. It only seems like a few years ago when she was running around in diapers.... Mercy Me!!!!
Anyhow, I got an email from my daughter-in-law yesterday tell me that "B" had gotten a very interesting invitation to this year's Homecoming Dance at her school. Seems that her boyfriend ("R") made a huge sign and hung it up at their school ---asking her if she would go to Homecoming with him... Smart guy!!!! I'm sure that after he went to that much effort, "B" just HAD to say YES--since she didn't want to hurt his feelings. (HA HA HA-----She did say YES---but I'm sure she would have, no matter how he would have asked her.)
Isn't that a creative way to ask a young lady to a dance????? I just wanted to share this with you... Below is the picture of the two of them ---and the big sign... Neat, huh????

Above is a picture of my gorgeous granddaughter, "B", taken last year when she was all dressed up for the dance. I cannot wait to see pictures of her all dressed up this year ---since, believe it or not, this girl gets more and more beautiful with each passing day....
Congrats to "R" for being so creative, and congrats to "B" for getting such a terrific invitation to the big dance. Back in my day (many moons ago), we had proms ---but I never got an invitation like "B" did.... Did you?????

Taken in spring of 1960---wonder who this young gal is?????? (I was all dressed up for the Senior Prom!)
Have a wonderful Sunday.