Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

How Can This Be??????

See that picture above?????? I took this picture of one of our clocks at about 3:12 p.m. yesterday ---on JULY 18. Now look at the picture below.

This is the big thermometer we have on our deck. Can you see the temperature????? It says 68 degrees!!!! NOW---put that together with the time. In the middle of Summer here on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee, on July 18th at 3:11 p.m. in the afternoon, the temperature here was only SIXTY-EIGHT degrees. WOW---isn't that totally amazing??????

I've heard from several bloggers who are THRILLED to have a cold front in the middle of summer. Now I can add to that------ ME TOO!!!! I LOVE it. I'm not one who enjoys hot weather---so this is like a piece of heaven to me. I wish I could bottle it --and keep it for the rest of the summer!!!!!

When I woke up this morning, I immediately put on some long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Later on, I was still cool----so I put on some heavy socks. AND---tonight, they say we may have a record low temperature here. Brrrrrrr!!!! Isn't it wonderful?????? (Okay---remind me of this when I'm complaining the middle of August that it is too darn HOT!!!! ha)


My son took this picture of Grammy with two of her grandchildren---when they visited us on Wednesday. I've already posted about this fun day---but didn't have this picture at the time. SO---I thought I'd show it today to let you know what a proud Grammy I am!!!!

Finally, please pray for a very very very good friend of mine, Thomas A. Dunbar, from Louisiana. Tommy had a serious stroke yesterday and is in the hospital in Baton Rouge. Good thoughts and prayers would be greatly appreciated. He and his wife are so special to me.

Have a great Sunday.