Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer Birds in Our Yard

Today I have good news and bad news... First of all, the good news: Our Eastern Bluebirds (pictured above) are nesting again .. This will be Brood Number II this Spring/Summer. The Mama Blue is coming to our feeders --picking up raisins. You'll have to enlarge the picture to see the raisin in her mouth.

The bad news (or maybe SAD news) is our LACK of Hummingbirds this Summer so far. I began putting out our four feeders the end of April (when they usually get here). I've continued to change the nectar frequently--hoping that TODAY will be the day... But--as of today, we have seen NO hummingbirds at our feeders this year. Wonder where they are?????? I'm so sad. We always have had alot of these special birds! Sniff Sniff!!!

We do have an abundance of backyard birds. I made a list of all of the birds I have seen so far this Summer. They are (in no particular order): Tufted Titmice, Carolina Chickadees, White-breasted Nuthatch, Caroline Wrens, Song Sparrows, Goldfinch, House Finch, Eastern Bluebirds, Cardinals, Mourning Doves, Brown Thrashers, Bluejays, Robins, and several woodpeckers (Pileated, Northern Flicker, Red-bellied, Downy). I'm sure there are many other birds around that I either don't know about, or haven't seen. I need my birder friend Kelly to come and live here for a month---to teach me more of our birds!

I haven't taken many pictures of the birds lately (except for our Bluebirds) ---so I took some time yesterday and took a few for you. Hope you enjoy them. I'll try to take more on another day.

The Tufted Titmice have to be one of my favorite birds to photograph. All of the backyard birds have had babies recently---and it's so much fun to see the 'young' ones come to the feeders.

We have two Mourning Doves which are now brave enough to scope out the deck several times a day. They love to clean up the sunflower seeds which the other birds drop on the deck.

The Downy Woodpeckers have also had babies---and the entire family comes to the suet feeder during the day. Our Red-bellied Woodpeckers come regularly also--but I didn't get any pictures yesterday.

This little guy is one I have never captured in a picture before.. He's a Song Sparrow. I know they are quite common (I grew up calling most little birds sparrows)---but he is the first bird to enjoy eating on the seed bell. Most of my birds turn their noses up when it comes to the seed bell. Have you ever heard this little guy sing????? He and the Carolina Wren can really put on a show.

I saved this guy 'til last!!!! He's one of two Brown Thrashers that LOVE the suet feeder. Between the woodpeckers, the nuthatches and these big Thrashers, they can really go through the suet!!!!!

Now--if you know anything about Thrashers, you will know that they are supposed to be ground feeders. WELL---not these two... They entertain us all day long--standing on the top of that suet feeder and bending down to reach the suet... Sometimes the feeder goes round and round and the Thrashers look as if they are getting dizzy. AND---when the suet gets smaller and smaller---they have a hard time reaching it at all. BUT--they stay there and try and try... They can't hang onto the sides like the woodpeckers do. SO---let me just say that our Brown thrashers put on a comedy show for us. One of these days, I'll try to get a short video. It's SO funny!!!


I usually close showing one of our Roses. But today--I want to show you one of our beautiful lilies. This gorgeous orange lily is named TREFFER. Isn't it pretty?????

Have a wonderful day and weekend.