Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Woody and Company

As I mentioned last week in my Cardinal blog post, I have gotten many good pictures of my Backyard Birds recently... I got pictures of two new birds to my feeder (a Juvenile Red-headed Woodpecker and a Juvenile Red-bellied Woodpecker) this month ---and I saw another new one yesterday while working in the yard (but didn't get a picture yet).

This new one is a Hairy Woodpecker.. There are lots of Downy's which come to the suet feeder --but yesterday, a GREAT BIG Hairy Woodpecker made his way there.. I watched him and got so excited, but since I was in the yard working, my camera wasn't anywhere near. Sigh!! I hope he comes back so that I can get his picture sometime. The Hairys look like the Downys except for the fact that they are larger and have a longer beak. I hope he comes back sometime when I have my camera!!!!

Today, I am featuring an "All-Woodpecker-Post".... Above is one of the largest woodpecker we have in our area, the PILEATED WOODPECKER... Below are more!!!!

DOWNY WOODPECKER: This is a male since the females do not have any red on them.

JUVENILE RED-HEADED WOODPECKER: When I first saw this bird, I had no idea what it was.. His colors are SO different from an adult.

JUVENILE RED-HEADED WOODPECKER: I just had to include one more picture of this little bird.. I hope to get more pictures as he begins to get his colors!!!!

ADULT RED-HEADED WOODPECKER: This is what the little Juvenile will look like someday..

JUVENILE RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER: He is also quite dull with very little color so far.

ADULT RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER: The little juvenile will look like this (depending upon whether it is a male or female) soon. Female Red-bellieds do have red on their heads--but it's not solid along the top and back of the head like the males. And --for any of you non-birders, the adult Red-bellied Woodpeckers DO have a red belly.. It's just hard to see!!!!

NORTHERN FLICKER: This is always one of my favorite birds. This is a male since he has a black mustache, and more red on his head (which is hard to see in this picture).

Hope you enjoyed seeing my pretty little woodpeckers.. I have more birds to show you--but that will be next week. By the way, do you know which of these woodpeckers is the one which Woody Woodpecker represented????? Take a guess!!!!

Wow---I now have 300 Followers... That is amazing --especially since I don't do memes and giveaways to try to get more followers... Thanks to all of you who follow me!!!! I hope ALL of you will leave comments because that is what I truly love to get.
