Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Sunshine State---Here We Come!!!!

We're headed south for a week or so!!!!! Mrs. P (our Toyota Prius pictured above) is all packed and ready. AND---Miss Barbeak, our GPS (Someday I'll have to tell you how our GPS got her name) has all of the directions and info loaded in her---so that we'll find our way. You'd think we were leaving for a lifetime by the looks of what we are taking... ha ...

This is a combination trip since we'll be doing several things this next week:
-Searching for some new waterfalls in North Georgia
-Visiting my brother in Jacksonville, FL
-Spending a couple of days at Ormond Beach to celebrate my 67th birthday; YOW!!!!
-Having dinner with two of my cousins who live on the east coast of FL; In fact, we'll celebrate all three of our birthdays together. Bonnie (2nd cousin on the Bruce side) and I share a birthday on August 5th, and the other cousin (Suzie, another 2nd cousin on the Bruce side) celebrates her birthday on August 8. SO---we'll have one big celebration for all three of us!!!! Won't that be fun??????
-Then, heading back, we'll drive through the panhandle of Florida and on into Alabama ---and search for some more waterfalls....

How's that for a great week????? Needless to say, I won't be near a computer ---so this will be my last blog until Sunday morning, August 9th. I hope each and every one of you have a fabulous week.
