Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Oh how I love seeing the migrating birds at my feeders. In April, the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks stopped by for about a week or two on their way north for the summer. What beautiful birds. Anyhow---they are BACK, stopping here on their way south for the winter. I'm so glad they remembered my 'inn' ---and stopped by. From now on, I'll be waiting on them to visit us --each April and September. Yeah Rah!!!!!

Before admiring THESE pictures taken yesterday, please click HERE to glance at the pictures of these birds in April during the breeding season. The males were gorgeous. Yesterday's pictures show a much duller male, although still very pretty.

I sat on my 'throne' (sofa) and watched them for awhile ---and got so excited. I first saw ONE female a few days ago --but yesterday, we had at least EIGHT at the feeders at one time, mostly males now. I know that in the Spring, the males arrive first and then the females later. I don't know if it is the opposite in the Fall, but I did see the females first this week. I don't know how long they'll stay this time, but I'll be watching them each and every day.

Above and below are some pictures I took yesterday afternoon of the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.

This is the back of the male Rose-breasted Grosbeak now.

The female Grosbeak is brown year-round. She looks quite different from the males.

This is the female Rose-breasted Grosbeak from the back. One way to distinguish them from other medium-sized birds is by their huge white eyebrows. (Note that the females do not have black and white feathers on their backs like the males do.)

Now you can see the 'rose' color in them. Aren't they pretty???

These little guys were all over the place!!!! Some were in the plate feeder and some were at the 'house' feeder beside the plate. Can you see that one sitting on the line above???? I couldn't ever get all eight of them in one picture--but I got some of them.

These two males looked like they were chatting with one another. Can you see the Red-bellied Woodpecker on the suet behind them??????

The little house is beside the plate feeder. See the young male on the left and the female on the right. I think the three in the plate feeder are all male.

Now there are SIX!!!!! Can you imagine my JOY at seeing these cuties?


Finally, we had our first fire in the fireplace last night.... I loved it... The temperatures are going down into the 40's at nights now---so I can officially say that AUTUMN is HERE. Now that it's cooler, maybe our leaves will change colors!!!!!

Have a great day.