Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Would you do THIS?

On June 16, George took me on my first outing since I had my knee surgery on June 3. We went to see the waterfalls around the Tellico River area near Tellico Plains, TN. If you want to see my first post from that trip, click

Above is a beautiful picture of the Tellico River. It was a hot June day--and we enjoyed sitting by the water that day... There's no better place to be in the summer.

While in that area, we watched some kayakers going over Baby Falls... Below are some pictures George took using the 'sports' feature on the camera --which takes one picture right after the other.... Here they are---plus a couple more pictures from that day.

Would you do this????? Actually, to be honest, the Kayakers were being more careful than the crazy teenagers who were diving and jumping into the river from the high rocks above... THAT was scary... If parents only knew what their teens are doing when they are at places like this which are SO dangerous...

Here's another great picture of some of the smaller waterfalls we saw that day while driving on the dirt road beside the Tellico River. This is such a gorgeous area of Tennessee.

Here's a picture of me --taken that day in front of Bald River Falls. You can see my big left knee --since at that time it had only been 2 weeks since my surgery. NOW--that knee looks more normal.

Have a great Monday... Thanks for all of your thoughts from my last blog requesting bloggers not to use the embedded comment form. If you missed that, check back at my previous post. People have been suggesting that we have some Blogger Tips --so I will try to give one each day for awhile. I'd also LOVE to hear your thoughts and tips --on making blogging much easier for everyone. Thanks!!!!

BLOG TIP 2: Take out the word verification UNLESS you absolutely need it. IF you are approving all comments anyhow, why do you need to do both? I know that it has to do with SPAM--but since you are verifying comments, you can always delete/reject the spam comments and the ones you don't want published before allowing them to be published. (Please note that these are just my suggestions --and you can do whatever is easy for you. I will still continue to go to your blog regardless.)
