I recently made the comment that we were going to be home for awhile--at least until our Anniversary trip the middle of June... WELL---that all changed!!!!! (Are you surprised?) We got an invitation to meet our good friends, Judy and Charlie, at their mountain home in Otto, NC (south of Franklin) for a few days of R&R.... How could we ever turn down an invitation like that???????????
SO--we're leaving today for a couple of days!!!! Judy is one of the best friends I've ever had, but we don't live close to each other, nor get to see each other very often. We email EVERY day (sometimes more than once). AND--we talk on the phone on occasion. BUT--we never get finished talking!!!! SO---for two days while our hubbies read and do their thing, Judy and I will be sitting on their porch YAKING. And --I'm sure that even after two days, we won't finish our conversations!!! Ha!!
Above is a picture of Judy and Charlie's gorgeous vacation home.. Below are more pictures!!!!

The view from their porch/deck; Awesome, huh?

This is what we'll be doing for two days!!!! I cannot wait!!!!
This is Judy and me ---at another outing in Otto.
One thing that George and I have in common with our good friends is a love of the great outdoors. This picture of Judy and Charlie was taken in WINTER (can you tell??? ha)--on one of their many hikes. They happened to see a waterfall---so of course, they sent us this picture!!!
Finally, here is one more picture of my friend and me... She's a TINY thing; can you tell???? I'm about 5'6" --but she is MUCH shorter!!!!!! We'll be home Saturday night --and I'll post again on Sunday..
The Rose-of-the-Day is one of my all-time favorites, named Double Delight... (This is one of George's fav's also..) You should smell this one!!! If you click on the picture and make it larger, you will see raindrops on this rose. Awesome!!!!
It rained off and on yesterday---so I didn't get many pictures. But---I did capture this one of Mama Bluebird at the nest, feeding the four babies.
This is where I sit (on the deck) with my camera on the railing---staring out at that bluebird nest in our back yard. I use George's camera (with the ZOOM)---to get up close and personal!!!! I would love to see the babies when they fledge sometime the first full week of June.... Who knows???? ha
Thanks to all of you for the prayers and special thoughts due to the death of my cousin, Patsy. That meant the world to me.. You all are FABULOUS. See you Sunday!!!