Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Pink is for "Purdy"

Most of you know that George grows Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora Roses. Most of them are fragrant roses --so you can only imagine how pretty they all look in our yard, and how good the yard smells. Growing Roses is not the easiest thing to do --but George is fantastic at it. He loves his 'babies'. AND--with the new camera and macro lens, he takes fabulous pictures of them also.

As of today, we have 35 different varieties of Rose blooms out of our 55 bushes. Many of these 35 have several blooms and buds. I love all of our flowers --but the ROSES are my all-time favorites!!!!

Today I will show you six of this year's blooms---some of our pretty pink Roses. Above is one called PARADISE. Below are five more.

This one is named ELLA.

This is one of my favorite roses EVER. Its name is DOUBLE DELIGHT.




Roses are amazing to watch. Some of them start out one color, and as they age, the colors change. AMAZING!!!! Hope you enjoyed some of our 'PANK' ones!!!!! Aren't they just 'purdy'?????? (Tennessee Talk!!!) There will be many more to come.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.