Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, March 14, 2016

Arkansas Skies --February 2016

I told you in THIS blog post that I would share more sky and sunset pictures from this year's wonderful vacation to Mt. Nebo State Park in Arkansas.  Except for one day --we had fantastic weather the entire week.   AND---the skies gave us colorful beauty almost every time we were outside --both during the day and in the evenings.

The neat thing about SKY pictures is that the sky is ALWAYS different from one day to the next.  Sometimes,  there are lots of clouds around and other times,  not so many...  Hope you enjoy seeing some of the beauty we saw while in that cute little cabin on top of the mountain!

The picture above was taken from the back of our cabin on 2/22/16,  our first night there... I just watched it and cried with JOY while seeing such glorious beauty.

This photo was taken on 2/24/16 from Mt. Magazine (where we saw all of  the SNOW).   I love seeing the sunbeams popping through the clouds,  shining on the Petit Jean River in the valley below.

A very clear sky with no clouds on 2/24/16--as opposed to 2/22 and 2/25;  

At almost the same location,  here was our sunset on 2/25/16;  This was my favorite sunset simply because I love seeing all of the colorful clouds... You????

After the sun disappeared on 2/25/16,  the sky was still showing off all kinds of beautiful colors.

Another shot from 2/25/16---showing the trees around our cabin PLUS the clouds/sun;

Here's another picture from our 'clear' (cloud-free) sunset --2/24/16;

Here's a daytime view of a pretty sky on 2/25/16 taken  at a viewing area on the other side of Mt. Nebo.

I like this picture with the trees framing the sunset on 2/25/16.

Before the sunset on 2/25/16,  we enjoyed seeing the sunbeams lighting up the mountains in the distance.

Here's another one from 2/25...  I chose a vertical one to get the tree branches as a frame.

Daytime picture from the back of our cabin on 2/25/16;

Going--going-------  almost gone!!!  Sunset on 2/25/16;

Here's another picture showing some of the sky colors after sunset on 2/25/16

Here's one MORE on our last day in Arkansas,  2/25/16; 
Well Friends.....  I could show you a million more I'm sure --but you get the idea of how gorgeous the sky was while we were there.  Here in Tennessee,  we live down a hill --and would have to get to the top of the hill in order to see such beauty.  And even there,  there are mountains and trees in our view.  However,  when we walk on the golf course early early in the mornings,  we can see beautiful sunrises similar to these sunsets.

One of the neatest things to think about is when I am watching a sunrise or sunset wherever I am,   YOU may also be watching them too!!!!   That makes me feel closer to you.  A blog friend,  Jo from Memorable Meanders, in South Africa  walks on her nearby golf course every morning there --like we do here.  She will post sunrise pictures like we do... Makes me feel as if she is NOT that far away!!!!!  Neat, huh?

Well---I hope I brought a smile to your face today!!!!   My hope is that all of you can get outside and enjoy nature including beautiful skies all around!!!!!

Thanks for all of the birthday wishes to George... We had a great week celebrating and I will blog about that trip soon.  
