Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Monday, July 18, 2022

LILIES in our Yard 2022

Dear Friends,   Hope all of you are well.  Both George and I are doing fairly well now with no major health issues as of today. We are very sad and upset about what is happening in/to our country (inflation,  cost of everything going up up up for all of us,  etc.)... Since we are retired and on a fixed budget,  we have to be more careful with what/how we spend our money. 

Personally, the saddest thing we've gone through this Summer is the fact that the DEER have eaten about 90% of our Day Lilies and Roses in the front yard.  We have lived here since 2002 and have NEVER had problems this bad.  Nothing we spray/dust/use this year has kept them away (like it has in the past).   People have given suggestions to us which we have tried.  NOTHING  has worked! 

I'm not sure what is different this year to cause this --but I will say that the deer are 'protected' here---so our population of deer continues to GROW.  Also,  many new homes are being built in our area --and the deer are losing their 'homes' and eating areas.  They are now going to where they can find food ANYWHERE.  You can thank US for feeding them this year! ha  

George has moved all of the Container Roses from the front to the deck  (we need a bigger deck) --and is now trying to save the Roses in the beds in front. So--we are now trying a new repellent (using water) --and it is working so far.  I'll keep you posted.  It's too late for the Day Lilies this year --but the Roses will come back IF we can keep the deer away...  I'll keep you posted!!!

TODAY though,  I'll show you our beautiful LILIES this year.  (They are on the deck.)  Hope you enjoy seeing them.

Montenegro Lily 6/1/22

Tinos Lilies  6/4/22

Patricia's Pride Lily  6/13/22

Rosella's Dream Lily  6/14/22

Pink Lemonade Lilies  6/14/22  (a favorite among my Facebook friends)

Pink Perfection Lilies  6/24/22   (Our very very tall Lilies; I am looking UP to get this photo!!!)

Frisco Lily 6/24/22  

Muscadet Lily 6/27/22

Mt. Cook Lilies 7/4/22

Purple Prince Lily 070422

Dizzy Lilies 7/7/22  (a favorite of mine)

Garden Party Lilies  7/7/22

Stargazer Lilies  7/9/22  (an all-time favorite of mine) 

Casa Blance Lily 7/16/22  (This lily is so unique.  Look carefully at the little white dots in  her. They reminded me of Dotted Swiss... Do you remember that fabric?)

Casa Blanca Lilies 7/16/22

Frisco Lilies 6/16/22

The last 3 Lilies  (Casa Blanca) are the last ones which bloomed this year.  They have been so gorgeous --with about 14 blooms.    Stargazer also had many blooms.  Most of the remainder have had fewer blooms but were equally beautiful.  It is/was a great year for my LILIES. Do you have a favorite in this group??? As you can tell,  I have MANY!!!

Hope you enjoyed the photos and are having an awesome day. As I heard on TV,  if you aren't having a fabulous day, then change it!!!!!!

A big Happy Birthday to my oldest son,  Bert.  I cannot believe that he is 59 today!!!!  How can that be????? ha

