Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

On the Road to Skyland Resort----Part I

I got so involved sharing Christmas pictures in December  that I didn't finish sharing our Thanksgiving Trip with you.  On Thanksgiving Week,  George and I drove  on the Blue Ridge Parkway  from Asheville, North Carolina,  all the way to the end of the parkway.  For those of you who do not know,  the Blue Ridge Parkway ends ---and Skyline Drive continues north... We were on our way almost to the end of Skyline Drive (at Front Royal, Virginia) to the Skyland Resort...

I have a couple more sets of pictures to share from that wonderful trip.  I'll share one this week and another one next week.  These pictures were taken over a two -day period BEFORE we got to the Skyland Resort..

Above is a great photo of the view from the Blue Ridge Parkway.   Be sure to click on all pictures to make them larger.

George really worked hard using his muscles to hold this TINY rock up!!!!!! ha ha

We saw MANY deer while driving on the Parkway AND Skyline Drive... Here is a young male...  If you know this area,  you probably have heard of the Big Meadows area.  This deer was near that area.  Pretty one, isn't he?

This is the Big Meadow in WINTER...  It is truly a 'big meadow' ---so it's appropriately named.   If you enlarge this picture,  you can see deer grazing out in the meadow.

George hiked down a little creek path --and captured this marvelous reflection... 

Here is a picture of the two of us --taken at an overlook on Skyline Drive... I loved the sky on this day... It had been cloudy --but was trying to clear up...

Next week,  I'll share another set of pictures from that Thanksgiving trip... If you missed any of the previous blog posts from this trip,  click HERE.   There are a total of 9 posts from this  wonderful trip.
