Dear Blog Friends, On June 21-24, 2021, George and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary at Pisgah Inn, along the Blue Ridge Parkway west of Asheville, North Carolina. The picture above was taken at the Craggy Pinnacle on our Anniversary, June 23, 2021. We invite you to sit back today, relax with a coffee (or something of your choice), and come with us on our Journey!

On the 21st, our first stop was at BILTMORE HOUSE and GARDENS (Asheville, NC). Of course, we love seeing all of the seasonal flowers and plants outdoors. BUT--what we loved the most this time was visiting the Model Railroad Display in the Conservatory. Not only do they have model trains running throughout the Conservatory --but amongst all of these trains, they also added miniature displays of the Biltmore Estate buildings surrounded by the Conservatory flowers and plants.. We were SO amazed to see all of this fantastic work. Above is a "HUGE" replica of the Biltmore House that they built in the Conservatory. Wish you could see the detail in this display in person. AMAZING.
Look what they had on display in the Conservatory at Biltmore--- A WATERFALL just for US of course!!!!ha.... Can you see the railroad bridge above it? Like I said, this entire display is AWESOME.
OKAY---now we are on the road, heading along the Blue Ridge Parkway toward Pisgah Inn. We (of course) had to stop at some of the overlooks to get some pictures...One can never have enough pictures of the mountains!!!!!
We are HERE... So--why don't you sit awhile with us, have some hot tea, and just enjoy the view... Since we are above 5000 feet up here, it is always MUCH cooler!!!!
OR --if there's not enough room on our balcony, we can sit here and still enjoy the view of the valley and mountains!!!
Here's a Panorama I did of the beautiful view we had from Pisgah Inn... Just breath-taking!!!!
Did you sleep well? We certainly did!!!! This is our view the next morning. (June 22)... We woke up to FOG all around us!!!!! After it began to clear a little, I got this shot from our balcony to share with you...
We relaxed in the room most of the morning --but when the fog lifted, we took off heading south on the Blue Ridge Parkway --driving to the highest point (about 6000 feet)... Of course we stopped and checked out the views (and that amazing SKY).
We headed back to Pisgah Inn and had some dinner there. We enjoyed seeing the sunset --and that beautiful pink sky... BUT--we had an extra treat, and that was seeing an 'almost' full moon that night!!!
The next morning (June 23--and our Anniversary Day) --- we enjoyed seeing a beautiful sunrise from our Balcony... What a great way to begin a special day!
Okay --I'll stop this trip for today!!!! BUT--I just HAVE to show you one more pretty view of the early morning sun --and some fog in the valley below!!!
Hope you are enjoying our trip so far!!!!!! I still have two more days to share --but that will come in a Part II Blog post...
Thanks to so many of you who have asked about my health... I am doing really good right now!!!! The new heart medication is working like a charm, but there are some side effects I am dealing with (mostly neuropathy problems with my feet/legs).... That problem is MINOR compared to what I go through when I am in A Fib....SO---I'm doing good!!!!!
Continue your thoughts and prayers for my George --as he continues to deal with a disc problem in his back which affects his leg... Unlike me, he seldom complains, but there are times when he has A LOT of pain....
BUT--life goes on for two 79 year olders!!!! We are still kicking and HAPPY.