Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Friday, April 19, 2013

YELLOWSTONE --- Day 2, September 20, 2012

I am continuing to share our western trip in September of 2012.  This is part II of our 2nd day in Yellowstone.. If you missed Part I,  click HERE.   On this post,  we are continuing to check out sites along the North Rim of the Canyon Area of Yellowstone...  If you want to read more information on this area, click HERE

The photo above was taken at the GRANDVIEW Area.   I loved seeing the Grand Canyon (Arizona) in 2011---but seeing this canyon in Yellowstone seemed even more gorgeous!!!!  If you click on the photo,  you can read the info about this area.  IF you EVER get to Yellowstone,  do not MISS the Canyon area.. It's tremendous!!!

Click on all photos for enlargements... I  'think' ??? that Blogger fixed the Slideshow now.

Here is a picture showing the Yellowstone River DEEP down in the canyon... Isn't it awesome?

I love this picture of the canyon.   It takes me forever to go over all of the photos --and then choose one or two to feature!!!!!!

This  collage show you more photos of this amazing area.

Here is a larger version showing the canyon and its steepness and rugged terrain.

The other area that we visited on the North Rim was  Inspiration Point...  This is another area which you should not miss ---if you get to Yellowstone..  For a map of the canyon,  click HERE.   The picture above is a view taken from Inspiration Point. Can you believe the colors!

This  collage shows more photos from Inspiration Point.

Here is another close-up of the canyon.  Amazing,  isn't it???

This  is a photo from Inspiration Point --at a distance -- of UPPER FALLS (which I will feature in my next Yellowstone post when we start our hike on the South Rim). 

Here is a collage showing more photos from Inspiration Point.  The one in the middle shows UPPER FALLS --using the long lens.

This is George doing what we both did the entire trip----taking photos!!!!! ha

Here's one more collage  of us as we checked out the areas of Grandview and Inspiration Point...  This is truly one very amazing place...  Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our Yellowstone photos.

Have a great weekend,  and I'll see you on Monday.
