Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Skyline Drive (Virginia)

As most of you know , George took me on a surprise trip for my birthday (August 5). If you have missed any of the other posts, click
HERE to see any or all of the other 8 posts (plus this one) from this trip. There is also a map of the Skyline Drive on THIS POST if you'd like to see it.

Today's post may be a little boring to those who don't enjoy seeing mountains... We stopped at almost every overlook and took pictures... Luckily, our Geotracker helped us to keep up with where we were --so that when we got home, it was easier to get information on the pictures we took. (If you travel alot and take pictures frequently, the Geotracker is a wonderful device to have!)

Here are today's pictures beginning above with a picture taken at the Sawmill Run Overlook (2195 feet) near Milepost 95.. Below are more.

This was taken at an overlook where you can see the Moormans River in the distance. This is about Milepost 92, and we were at 2975 feet.

I love the coloring in this picture. This one was taken at the Rocky Top Overlook--2860 feet -- (Milepost 78.2). Of course, that name (Rocky Top) made me start singing my favorite Tennessee Volunteer song... ha... But the tops of the mountains here do look rocky, don't they????

This beauty was taken at the Brown Mountain Overlook near Milepost 77. We were at 2840 feet here.

This is appropriately called Big Meadows. We are near Milepost 51, and we are at 3535 feet. Big Meadows is also a recreation area (like Skyland where we stayed --which is north of here). There is camping, picnicing, hiking, a lodge, etc. here.

I read somewhere that you can see wildlife in this meadow at certain times of the day. BUT--we were running late trying to get to Skyland Resort --so that "I" wouldn't miss DINNER... ha ha

I'll close this section with a picture of us --taken by a nice couple, the next day (Aug 7) after we had left Skyland Resort. This picture was taken looking toward Mt. Marshall and the Peaks. We were at 3368 feet here, and were at Milepost 15. (All of the pictures before this one were taken on Aug. 6 BEFORE we got to Skyland Resort.)

This is Double Delight, one of our hybrid tea rose bushes in our yard... Believe it or not, all of these blooms are from the same bush.. Double Delight is one of George's and my favorite roses... It starts out white with pink edges (note the bud toward the middle) --and gets pinker and pinker as it matures... AND--it smells heavenly!!!!

Hope you had a good weekend... We didn't get any rain (sigh)---but it is cooler here and less humid. SO--we opened up the house today, turned off the AC --and are enjoying the outside air and the birds singing. I despise AC --except when it's unbearably hot---so this is JOYFUL to me.

Today is George's and my 110th MONTH-aversary. Since we've only been married since 2001, we have to celebrate every chance we get... We'll go out to dinner tonight I HOPE.... ha

Have a wonderful Monday.