Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Pinnacle Overlook at Sunset

We were staying at the Pine Mountain State Park Lodge (which is about 10 miles from the Pinnacle).. SO---we hurried through our dinner on Friday night at the lodge restaurant, and headed to the Pinnacle... We 'missed' seeing the sun --as it went down, but we did see a gorgeous sky. Above is a picture of the pink sky ---and the reflections coming from Fern Lake. Isn't that beautiful????? Below are more pictures.

I took this picture through the trees ---and liked it --when I put it on the computer.. It's almost like seeing a beautiful sunset --surrounded by a border!!!

Don't you enjoy seeing pictures at dusk???? From the overlook, we were obviously looking away from the sun ---toward Tennessee and Virginia. Beautiful, huh?

The sky just kept getting prettier and prettier, the darker it got.




Guess what???? The gate to the Overlook is supposed to be LOCKED at DARK... SO---we finally had to hustle back down that mountain and just hope that the rangers hadn't locked us IN.... I wasn't prepared to sleep in the car overnight... ha ha (Luckily, the gate was still OPEN.)

Hope you enjoyed seeing our pictures from the Pinnacle Overlook. What a fabulous place ---and even though I enjoyed being there in the morning, my favorite time was at sunset... IF we go back sometime. I want to be up there and actually watch the sun go down!!!!! WOW!!!

We have had visitors to our feeders this week... I love it when the Red-breasted Grosbeaks visit us on their way south for winter. They stop by here in the spring on their way north, and again in the fall, headed south. They are always welcome here... The males have lost much of their brilliant colors when they stop by in the Fall. But--aren't they just such pretty little birds, no matter how much color they have lost????

Have a wonderful Wednesday.