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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

More Autumn Photos from our Yard

The lower side of our home
My apologies to anyone who is tired of seeing Autumn photos... BUT--since I love Fall,  I just can't help myself!!!!!!  I went back outside on Sunday late afternoon,  Nov. 3, 2013,  and took another big set ---just for you!!!!  Aren't you excited?????  Don't answer that... ha ha

We had a strange Fall here with the trees hanging on to their leaves longer than usual.  AND--they stayed green for a long time this year.  BUT--once they changed,  it was almost as if it happened overnight!  Crazy!

Anyhow,  since our leaves are coming down very fast now,  this may be the last good set showing the colors in and around our yard.   We are so fortunate in several ways to live where we do.. We have about 50 big shade trees in our yard... That is great most of the year including when the colors change in Fall.  BUT--our work of blowing and raking up all of the leaves which come down is a HUGE job for us, which goes on for several weeks.  But--I keep saying that it's good exercise for me!!!!

Hope you enjoy more of the Autumn photos from beautiful Fairfield Glade, Tennessee taken on November 3, 2013.   Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

The upper side of our yard

From the road looking at the front yard ---and surrounding trees
The photos were taken late in the afternoon when the front yard was getting shady.  We had gotten the leaves up (for that day) in the front yard ---but had not yet touched the sides nor back....  But--doesn't the front look pretty????

Beautiful colors of the trees in the lower side yard
As much as I love the REDS of Fall,  there's something fantastic about the browns and golds of LATE Fall,  don't you think?

Some of our Pansies
We have alot of Pansies planted around the front yard to give us some color in Winter.  So far,  they are happy with our weather!!!! (They will do fine as long as it doesn't get too cold and STAY that way for a long time.)

Roses still blooming on November 3
The Rose season is almost over ---but some of them are still blooming and are SO pretty.  I will miss them until they come back in Spring.

Burning Bush
Speaking of the REDS of Fall,  there are lots of Burning Bushes in our area --and they are gorgeous.

All the colors of Maples!!!
I love Maples --and there are many varieties around here.  They all turn different colors ---and this one is showing off SEVERAL colors all at the same time!!!

Looking at our front yard from the upper side

Peeking through the Maples on the upper side--looking toward our front yard/house

Our Deck ---after its staining,  a few weeks ago
I am now in the side yard looking toward the deck.  I love the stain they put on our deck a few weeks ago.  But most of the deck furniture and umbrellas are put away until spring.  The swing is still there when I want to enjoy being outside!

More pretty Fall color ---taken in our backyard

From the backyard---looking toward the golf course fairway

The sun adds so much color to these trees (backyard)

Our Backyard in Autumn!
Even though we haven't gotten the leaves up in the backyard,  there was just something I liked about this photo.  Maybe it is because I love walking through the leaves --and hearing them crunch under my feet!!!!!

Looking toward the golf course fairway from our backyard
Well---that's it around our yard!!!!!  Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our Autumn photos.  I certainly enjoyed sharing them with you!!!

UPDATE:  I'm so glad that I took these photos on Nov. 3 (and wrote this post that week) --because as of Nov. 12,  almost all of our trees are BARE.... Amazing how quickly the leaves came down this year!!!!  

Now---hop over to my Photo Blog (click HERE)  for one more beautiful photo from our yard taken the week of November 3rd...

Stay WARM.... An Arctic Cold Front came through here on Nov. 12 ---and  brought us some WINTER....
