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Monday, November 12, 2018

Smoky Mountain Hike to the AVENT CABIN --10/28/18

Mark and Diana --taken in Wears Valley, before our hike
Dear Friends,   On 10/28/18--- George and I went to the Smoky Mountains here in Tennessee   to take a hike with son Mark and his girlfriend,  Diana.   Mark has done this hike before and really wanted me to see that hidden cabin in the mountains.  The hike begins at Elkmont --and heads up the mountain from there.

I was nervous before the hike because,  since getting A Fib,  my hiking days are definitely limited.   I don't talk much about my A Fib anymore --but I can assure you that it is still with me,  and has certainly made me change my lifestyle to a much-less-active person.   I don't like that change --but for me,  it is just the 'new' normal!

I was excited when we took this hike ---and my family is always so good to me,  allowing me to hike at my SLOW pace and stopping to rest as needed  (when my heart rate goes WAY up)....  The good news is that I MADE IT to the cabin and back --which was about 4 miles total.   AND it was worth all of the aches and pains I felt the next day!!!!! ha

Hope you enjoy our pictures from this special day!  Before the hike,  we stopped at  a general store in Wears Valley and took some Autumn Pictures....

Oh how I love this young lady.  She makes Mark SO happy!!!!  (That is what a Mom loves to hear!)

Mark and Diana

George and me --at Wears Valley   (Great place to take Fall Pictures)

Beautiful Fall Colors on our Hike

Beautiful Day for a hike  --and a great TRAIL

A beautiful Autumn Day in the Smokies

Had to cross the creek on this little bridge

We made it to the AVENT CABIN.
History of the Avent Cabin:  The cabin was built about 1845  and purchased by the Avent family in 1918.  The national park took ownership of the cabin in 1932 but the Avent family was awarded a long-term lease and used the cabin until 1992.  Mayna Treanor Avent, artist,  used the cabin for 20 years during the summers  as her Summer Studio.  The cabin is now on the National Register of Historic Places since 1994.

To read more interesting information about Mayna and about the cabin,  click HERE.

What a gorgeous cabin --which is really in good shape.   From the porch we could see beauty all around us as we listened to the roaring creek below...  What an awesome place for an artist. Inside the cabin,  there is a notebook telling more about the artist and showing some of her work in photos.  There was also a journal for visitors to sign.

More beautiful Fall Colors around us.

Behind the cabin,  there was a big rock next to that big tree...  I'll bet that Mayna Avent sat on this rock working on her art!!!!!!

I took this picture of Mark and Diana at  'their' cabin!!!!!!

I love this picture of Mark and Diana behind the cabin,  on a gorgeous Fall day!

One more picture of the Autumn Colors we enjoyed that day

Mark and Diana on the 'Rock by the Tree' 

WELL---it's time to head back down the mountain!!!

Two Happy people --who loved this wonderful day!!

What an awesome day we had!!!!!!  Here was our SKY as George and I headed home late in the afternoon.   This was just a wonderful finish to such a  terrific day!!!!!!    Thanks be to God.

Have a great week!!!