Last week, I posted a set of pictures taken from our ride in the country near our home on Sunday afternoon, June 27. If you missed that set of pictures, click HERE . Today, I share with you six more pictures from that fun afternoon. Above are a couple of horses. We didn't see any cows on this particular trip, but there were horses around. The sky was so pretty on this day--even though it was HOT.
This is Hebbertsburg Cemetery. I always enjoy visiting old cemeteries --and this one was no exception. This cemetery was found on the top of a hill out in the country.
Someone had a very nice garden planted out there in the country...
There were so many wildflowers growing along the roads out in the country... This is Queen Anne's Lace... Pretty, isn't it?

We stopped to take some pictures --and guess who came to meet us???? THREE sweet little dogs welcomed George to their road!!
If you didn't like the log house I showed in last week's post, maybe you will like this one!!!! I do --but I still think I like the other one better!!!! BUT--if someone offered this one to me, I'd surely take it!!!!! You????
Okay--those are the things we saw in the country on that particular ride (sky, mountains, creek, fields, horses, dirt road, cemetery, barn, garden, wildflowers, dogs, and pretty log homes). What else do you hope to see when you take a ride in the country????