Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Another New Bird at my Feeders

I think my backyard birdies got a little jealous --since I talked yesterday about some more of my 'babies' (my clocks).... Anyhow---it was a sunny morning on our back deck yesterday, so I decided to see if I could get some new pictures to share. I did ---but the good news is that I saw a new bird at the feeders, a CHIPPING SPARROW. I have seen these precious little birds on others' blogs and also in books--but had never seen one on my deck before. I got so excited trying to get some good pictures. I finally captured him while he was wandering around on the deck. Here are two pictures of him, plus some others which I took.

I included this picture of the CHIPPING SPARROW's back, so that you can see how pretty this little bird is. BUT--I do have a question for my birder friends... I know that there is either a sparrow or wren that fights with the Bluebirds for their nest. I hope it is not this little bird. Which one is it???? I don't want any birds around here who will take over the Bluebird nest.

I love watching the GOLDFINCHES get their beautiful yellow color back now that it is spring. I still have more Goldfinches at my feeders than any other bird.

Here's a great picture of a female BLUEBIRD eating suet in the morning sunlight.

I was amused by this picture. The 'fuzzy' bird in the background looking at the BLUEBIRD is a GOLDFINCH...I think those two birds were playing "Peek-a-boo" with each other... Cute, huh???

One of the cutest birds in the whole world I think is the TUFTED TITMOUSE. It seemed that these two were flirting with each other... They were taking turns flying to the feeders and taking a sunflower seed back to the tree. I captured this great picture of them.. The one on top seems to be waiting for the other one to 'feed' it!!!!! Ya think???

I am really spoiling my White-breasted NUTHATCHES. I put out peanuts for them --and they are always waiting for me to do that!!!! I didn't get a picture --but the Nuthatch did the funniest thing yesterday.. He was on the plate feeder --and a Goldfinch flew onto the plate. The Nuthatch stood up and spread his wings at the Goldfinch. He did that 2-3 times, and I assume he was telling the Goldfinch to "Go Away"..... The Goldfinch did not leave --and actually paid no attention to Mr. Nuthatch... Ever seen that happen???? Wish I had have gotten a picture...

I have a very hard time getting good pictures of our sweet little CAROLINA CHICKADEES--and we have a bunch of them. They dart in and out ---and chatter the whole time. I finally got a picture of one of them yesterday morning.

Finally, here is one of my resident RED-BELLIED WOODPECKERS. These guys are with us year-round ----and love the suet feeders.

Hope you enjoyed my Backyard Birds today... They love to show off!!! Enjoy your Sunday!
