George and I are hoping to be like his mother and father. Dad and Mom Adams are age 96 and 88 respectively --and neither have ever taken any prescription drugs. They have been such an inspiration to us --and have helped us find alternative ways to stay healthy. Of course, eating healthy and exercising is the major key. BUT--we also take many vitamins, minerals and supplements (that's another blog).
I know there may be a time when one of us 'has' to take a prescription drug (won't ever say we won't) ---but right now, we will do whatever it takes to stay off of them. I see my sweet brother (who is 86 and living in a skilled nursing retirement facility in FL) taking TONS and TONS of prescription drugs.. Because of this, he has no quality of life much these days. I think that, once you take one, you have to take another to counteract the side-effects of the one--and then it just grows from there.
SO---since I am always looking for ways to do some of the necessary things --like lowering our cholesterol or our blood pressure, I read anything and everything I can that may help. I am always looking for doctors who are into Holistic Health approaches --and there aren't many of them, at least in our area!!!!
I got tagged recently by CICERO --asking me to talk about a book that I am reading now. SO--as you can imagine, my book is a health book. I received this book from friend Susan. This book is entitled "YOU-The Owner's Manual" It is written by Dr. Michael F. Roizen and Dr. Mehmet C. Oz. Dr. Roizen is the cofounder of RealAge, which George and I both read and participate in online. And many of you may know Dr. Oz --since he appears on the Oprah Winfrey Show. This book challenges our preconceived notions about how the human body works and ages, and then it takes us on a tour through the entire inside of our bodies. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in better health (which should be ALL of us).
I won't tag specific people this time, but will ask you this question, "What good book are you reading right now--or just finished reading?" I encourage you to either comment about it ---or better still, blog about it!!!! Thanks---and happy reading.