Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sun's Rays on the Ocean

On May 5, after getting back to our room from having dinner at the Boundary House, we sat on the balcony and watched the sun's rays hit the ocean --as it began to set in the west. Today I'll show you some of what we saw that evening ---and the next morning. The picture above is looking down the beach to the right. Isn't everything just gorgeous this time of evening? More pictures are below! You can thank George for taking ALL of these gorgeous pictures.

One of the Casino Boats is heading out to sea for their Sunset Cruise. They have to get 3 miles out in order for people to gamble.

The water looks so blue with the sun shining on it. This is looking straight ahead from our room. (If you have missed any of our other Ocean Isle Beach trip pictures recently, you can look on my sidebar and find the label which says OCEAN ISLE 2010.)

I love the way the sun is reflecting off of the fishing pier in this picture. This is to the left of our balcony.

Then, we got to see those gorgeous pink clouds in the distance --over the water. Awesome, don't you think?

AND THEN------------------ this is early the next morning when we woke up. What did we see????? FOG..... Isn't life interesting staying on the beach? One can see all kinds of things (sunshine, rain, fog, rainbows, clouds, etc.).... LOVE IT!!!!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
