Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Visit from Son and Daughter-in-law

Jeff and Dawn Wilhite, 6/7/14 at Cumberland Mountain State Park
George and I were blessed on Saturday (6/7/14)  to have a visit from my youngest son, Jeff, and his beautiful wife, Dawn.  They live in North Georgia ---and you'd think we would get to see each other more often.  BUT--they stay so busy and so do we... SO--when we do get to spend some time together,  it's magical and wonderful!!!!!  That was true for this MAMA on Saturday!!!!  Thanks,  Jeff and Dawn for coming!

Today I 'll share some photos from our time with them.  We took them to Cumberland Mountain State Park for lunch/dinner and then took some time to walk around the area and get some pictures (of course)... ha..  Hope you enjoy seeing more from our fantastic day!!!!  Click on the photos for enlargements.

Reflections on the lake at Cumberland Mountain State Park

Standing on the fishing pier at Cumberland  Mountain State Park

There are MANY Canada Geese at the state park.

Love taking photos of the bridge when you can get these reflections!

A great day to be Kayaking!!

George on the fishing pier

Another photo of the bridge (and reflections)

Jeff and Dawn at the fishing pier (They were wishing that they had brought their fishing poles since they LOVE to fish!!!)

I'll close with two more photos of the bridge and reflections.. These may be the best REFLECTION-type pictures I have ever taken!!!!  What do you think?  Can you see where the water is??? It obviously was very calm on this day...

Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our 'adventures' today!!!!  It was truly fantastic spending a day with some of the family...   Next Sunday (Father's Day),  we have been invited to go to Nashville to spend some time with George's daughter and hubby... That will be PERFECT for him on Father's Day!!!!
