Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Gorgeous SNOW on Mt. Magazine (2-24-16) ---AND a Birthday!!!!

Mt Magazine Snow --2/24/16
On our recent trip to Arkansas,  one of the highlights was seeing some beautiful snow on the top of Mt. Magazine State Park.   On our annual trip,  we always stay at our favorite cabin at Mt. Nebo State Park.  BUT--we love to visit Mt. Magazine each year, one of the days we are there,  to do some hiking (when possible) and to eat dinner at their wonderful lodge restaurant.  This is a 'tradition' for us.  Mt. Magazine is higher in elevation than Mt. Nebo --so it's usually colder there,  and through the years,  we have encountered different weather up on that mountain.  This year was a FIRST though for us---SNOW and quite a bit of it (only at those higher elevations)...

As most of you know,  I truly LOVE snow and never see enough of it where we live in Tennessee.  George, on the other hand,  grew up in Indiana --so he's had his fill of snow, and would rather not see it... BUT--even George liked this snow (since he didn't have a driveway to clear)....

This was truly a pretty snow --a 'wet' one clinging to everything.  The roads weren't bad --and our Prius did great on the overlook roads... It was VERY cold up there (the wind would cut one in half) --so we didn't stay out of the car for long!!!!! ha...

BUT--even though we didn't hike,  we did enjoy the snow and taking LOTS of pictures.  AND--we did enjoy dinner there... GREAT day for us!!!!!

Get some coffee or hot tea or cocoa,  sit back,  and enjoy seeing 'our' snow in the comforts of your home!!!!!! AND--even if you don't like snow,  just know in your hearts how much "I" LOVED it.

ONE MORE THING:  Wednesday,  March 9th,  is George's Birthday...   I have some GREAT PLANS for him --which I'll have to share at another time!!!!  BUT---you can either wish him a Happy Birthday here (since he does read my comments) --or you can go to one of his blog posts: Click HERE and wish him a Happy Birthday...  Thank him for making ME so happy!!!! He is SUCH a wonderful wonderful man!!!!

Have a great week my friends!!!!


Here's George taking some snow pictures... Be sure to wish him a Happy 74th on Wednesday....

There was snow clinging to EVERYTHING... SO beautiful --and so white and peaceful!

Our Road ---which really wasn't as bad as it may appear!!

Me at one of the overlooks;  That wind was SOSOSOSOSO COLLLLLLDDDDDDD!!!

Many of you know how much I love seeing snow clinging to the shrubs/bushes.

At one of the overlooks ---looking at the mountains/rock formations around us

Another picture taken from the car --at all of the snow clinging to the big trees

The Crazy Woman who LOVES snow!!!

From the lodge George was taking some sunbeam pictures down in the valley below....  We had just finished an amazing dinner!

A picture I took from the lodge --looking at how interesting the snow looked clinging onto EVERYTHING in its sight

One of the cabins on the top of Mt. Magazine;  There are several cabins up here for rent --but they are all HUGE cabins --and we love our 'tiny' one (for 2-4 people) at Mt. Nebo.  BUT--the views up here are wonderful.

A view from BELOW (as we were leaving the mountain) that day;  Click on this picture --and you can see the lodge on the far left on the mountain.  Some of the cabins are to the right of that lodge toward the middle of the picture...

Here's one last picture of US in the snow.  A security maintenance man stopped when he saw us --and offered to take our picture.  He said that he had been awake all night--and was headed home for some sleep!  Wasn't that nice of him to stop?
Hope you enjoyed seeing some of our pictures from Mt. Magazine..... My next blog post will be showing you some beautiful sky and sunset pictures from that trip!!!!!  Love to all!

P.S.  Is anyone having trouble with Blogger?  I had the worst time in a LONG LONG time trying to get this blog ready to publish....  Even had trouble with the curser disappearing.   CRAZY.