Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Beautiful WYOMING

Day Six on our Western trip from Sept. 12-27, 2012 had us traveling from Colorado through WYOMING (on the road to Yellowstone).   Today I will share some pictures of Wyoming for you.  Above is the beautiful SUNRISE we had when we left Colorado early that morning on Sept. 18. 

After getting into Wyoming,  we traveled at high elevations across the state.  I had no idea that elevations in that state were SO high...  The picture above is something I had NEVER seen before.  It's a SNOW FENCE.  There were many of them in this state as we crossed these high plains.  In order to read more about these special fences,  click HERE.   Above is a picture I took of one of the snow fences.   These fences help by reducing drifting snow.  Interesting!!!

Here's a sign I captured when we stopped at a rest stop along the way.  Hope you can read the sign (click to enlarge it) --since it's quite interesting.

This is what the area looked like.  That scrubby vegetation is food for wildlife--even in those treacherous winters.

I was excited to see my first ANTELOPE (Pronghorn) here in Wyoming.  Beautiful animal, isn't it?

Here's one more picture of a group of ANTELOPES (Pronghorns).

The terrain began to change as we got close to Jackson, Wyoming.  This is the Hoback River --where people enjoy fly-fishing!!!!

Finally,  here's another view of the river --with the beautiful mountains (beginning of the Tetons) in the background.  From Jackson, Wyoming,  our GPS took us into Idaho where we headed north toward our destiny that day,  West Yellowstone,  Montana.   The trip on this day took us 10 hours and 45 minutes.  We were both so excited to get to Yellowstone.  The next several posts will be from Yellowstone --where we spent FIVE days.

Here are a few more pictures from our Ice Storm last weekend...  This picture was taken the next morning (1/26) --and even though the temperatures were still in the 20's,  we were excited because the SUN was out....  Yeah for some sunshine!!!!

This is a 'creative' ???  shot looking straight up at the BLUE sky (YEAH) with the glistening, icy trees....  By noon,  the temperatures rose above freezing --and the ice and icicles were falling off of the trees and house like bombs!!!!!

Ice Storms can be rough and dangerous.  Luckily, ours wasn't... SO, for us photographers,  the ice made for some great pictures... Hope you enjoyed seeing some this week.

Hope you have a wonderful day.
