Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Tullahoma Trip to Visit Dad Adams

On February 9th,  George and I made a trip about 2.5 hours southwest of here to visit George's 99 year old Daddy...  (We do this about every 2 weeks.)  We found Dad in pretty good spirits although at his age,  both the body and the mind are really wearing out...  George spends time going over all of Dad's financial records with him each time we go...  Dad may not quite remember everything these days,  but his mind can still be 'sharp' at times --especially when talking about his money!!!!!

Every time we go,  we take Dad out to lunch and then for a long ride in the area...  He loves that!!!!  This particular time,  after lunch (and believe me,  that 99 yr. old man can EAT),  we went to the Ledford Mills area to check out some waterfalls...

Today I'll share some pictures with you from that fun day... Above is a picture of POND FALLS,  found at  the Ledford Mill  (where there used to be an old mill) Bed and Breakfast... Be sure to click on the pictures to see them larger.

George took this picture of me when we got to the second waterfall,  WETUMPKA FALLS... (Don't ask me how that waterfall got its name!!!!????)

This is WETUMPKA FALLS...  It's a pretty little waterfall, don't you think,  even if it has such a big name!!!!

I took this picture of George at Wetumpka Falls...

And ---sitting in the car is our "Star of the Show" today!!!!  This is Dad Adams ---who will be 100 years old in August of this year.... Isn't that amazing?

Here is one more picture of our Sunday Snow...  It was pretty while it lasted --but is totally gone now.  The weather warmed up quickly,  and yesterday, on our walk,  we didn't see much snow left at all, even in the shady areas.  In fact,  it felt like SPRING.

Hope you have a beautiful day.  Thanks so much for those of you who have been so nice to take the Word Verification off of your blog...  I have tried as much as FIVE times at times trying to get the spelling correct... Ridiculous!!!!  Thanks again.
