Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Monday, April 6, 2015

My First Day Trip after Knee Surgery- Jan. 19, 2015

 Here's a post I didn't get published in January!!!!!  See that picture????  That is ONE happy girl!!!!!   On January 8, 2015,  I had Knee Surgery... George was FANTASTIC to me all through this very painful ordeal (which began on Nov. 21, 2014)...  SO --after my surgery,  he knew that I 'needed' to get out in the sunshine for a few hours!!!!  He was thinking of a place where he could take me where I could see lots of beauty without having to do a lot of walking....  SO----guess where he chose?????  CADES COVE in the Smokies!!!!!!  Perfect,  don't you think?

It was a PERFECT Day Trip (January 19, 2015---11 days after my surgery) ---and I thanked George over and over for choosing Cades Cove... I loved every single minute of my day there.  Today,  I'll share a few pictures with you from my special day. 

When we got into the 'cove'---we stopped and George took a panorama of this beautiful area.

We stopped at the Primitive Baptist Church in Cades Cove and walked around the church and cemetery...  It was the farthest I had walked since surgery--and I did well....

It was a beautiful winter day with temperatures in the 50's...  It felt so good just being in the Smokies!!!!

I took this picture of George as we walked around the cemetery at the Primitive Baptist Church.

Enjoy these next three pictures I took of Cades Cove on a gorgeous winter day! Click on them for enlargements.

I'll close showing you two very happy waterfall-lovers on the road to Cades Cove,  Jan. 19, 2015.

Hope you enjoyed our pictures from Cades Cove...  (My good news NOW is that my leg/knee are finally doing GREAT --and I've been able to even do some hiking recently.)

Hope you have a fantastic EASTER... We certainly did... Alleluia--Christ is Risen!
