Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, April 6, 2015

My First Day Trip after Knee Surgery- Jan. 19, 2015

 Here's a post I didn't get published in January!!!!!  See that picture????  That is ONE happy girl!!!!!   On January 8, 2015,  I had Knee Surgery... George was FANTASTIC to me all through this very painful ordeal (which began on Nov. 21, 2014)...  SO --after my surgery,  he knew that I 'needed' to get out in the sunshine for a few hours!!!!  He was thinking of a place where he could take me where I could see lots of beauty without having to do a lot of walking....  SO----guess where he chose?????  CADES COVE in the Smokies!!!!!!  Perfect,  don't you think?

It was a PERFECT Day Trip (January 19, 2015---11 days after my surgery) ---and I thanked George over and over for choosing Cades Cove... I loved every single minute of my day there.  Today,  I'll share a few pictures with you from my special day. 

When we got into the 'cove'---we stopped and George took a panorama of this beautiful area.

We stopped at the Primitive Baptist Church in Cades Cove and walked around the church and cemetery...  It was the farthest I had walked since surgery--and I did well....

It was a beautiful winter day with temperatures in the 50's...  It felt so good just being in the Smokies!!!!

I took this picture of George as we walked around the cemetery at the Primitive Baptist Church.

Enjoy these next three pictures I took of Cades Cove on a gorgeous winter day! Click on them for enlargements.

I'll close showing you two very happy waterfall-lovers on the road to Cades Cove,  Jan. 19, 2015.

Hope you enjoyed our pictures from Cades Cove...  (My good news NOW is that my leg/knee are finally doing GREAT --and I've been able to even do some hiking recently.)

Hope you have a fantastic EASTER... We certainly did... Alleluia--Christ is Risen!
