Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Small BIRDS at my Bird Feeders during May, 2014

American Goldfinch (we have LOTS of Finches year-round,  with more during the winter;)
YIPES... Today is Friday,  the 13th....AND---it's also a FULL MOON...  The next time these two things will happen at the same time will be 2049...  Don't think I'll be around to see that again (since I'll be 107 then---YOW!)....  Not sure how many witches/ghosts/ goblins will be OUT tonight ---but if you are superstitious,  be careful out there today/tonight!!!!!!

Today--I'm sharing some of the smaller birds in our yard --that come to the bird feeders regularly.    Sometimes,  I concentrate too much on the Bluebirds and Woodpeckers --and forget about some of these little Cutie Pies...  All of these photos were taken during May.   Hope you enjoy seeing the wonderful little birds we have! Like I always say,  be sure and click on the photos for enlargements.

Carolina Chickadee  (chatter-box,  and not afraid when I'm nearby;)

Tufted Titmouse  (they dart in and out constantly all day long--year round;)

White-Breasted Nuthatch (year round visitor,  off and on all day long;  they love to eat upside down;)

This is a male Downy Woodpecker.   (He had a baby at this feeder the other day and I couldn't get a picture before they flew away!)

Here's that same Downy Woodpecker.  I wanted to show you the RED on the back of his head... The female Downy has NO red on her.

Carolina Wren (one of my favorite little birds who sings loudly --thinking he's as big as one of the bigger birds;  Carolina Wrens LOVE building their nests near people's porches/hanging baskets/garages,  etc... We have a hard time keeping them out of our garage!)

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my little guys at my Bird Kitchen today... Sometime next week,  I'll show you some more of our bigger birds around here...

Have a wonderful weekend...
