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Monday, March 13, 2017

Someone had a BIG Birthday --3/9/17

Dear Friends,  Click HERE to send a shout-out to GEORGE.  He turned 75 last Thursday!!!!!!   I wanted to make sure he had a great birthday --BUT because I had been so sick,  I didn't want to stray away from home for long... SO--- since he LOVES WATERFALLS,   we went to Cumberland Falls State Park in Kentucky.

Even though we only stayed there one night,   I think he had a great day ---and I did fine (although I truly took it easy since I still have lots of congestion and not much energy nor lung power)...  One of these days--I'll get totally well..?????

BUT--this post is about George...  I know that many of you don't care for Facebook --but we had so much fun for a couple of days communicating back and forth with friends/family --celebrating G's birthday...  I think he had over 100+  Happy Birthday messages...  Such a joy sharing this joy back and forth! One thing about Facebook is the 'current' communication that we can get.

SO---today I'll share some of those pictures I put on Facebook --along with pictures from Cumberland Falls...  Hope you enjoy this blog post... You can click on the pictures for enlargements...

My message to George on Facebook on his Birthday

Who is that Monkey climbing all over the rocks --trying to hide from ME?????  This picture was on Facebook.  (Arkansas 2/15/17)  

Someone is on top of the world!!!!    OR maybe  he is surrendering to the police????? ha ha ...  I asked the Facebook folks to come up with a good caption for this one ---and we got some GREAT ones!  (Arkansas, 2/16/17)

Us enjoying Cumberland Falls on 3/9/17

Love seeing the mist up close --at Cumberland Falls 

Lots of water coming over the falls at Cumberland Falls  (3/9/17)

The Birthday Boy has his tripod ready to get some great pictures at Cumberland Falls.

Rapids at Cumberland Falls

Good picture of Cumberland Falls  

The Birthday boy at Cumberland Falls ---with sunbeams coming down on him!!!!!!

We had hoped to see the MOONBOW (rainbow at night) that night ---and there WAS a moon up there trying to shine down...  BUT--as you can see,  there were enough thin clouds to keep that moon from being EXTREMELY bright... Because of that,  George could only get pictures of the moonbow with his camera (on a special setting).  We could not see it with the naked eye..

This  is part of the moonbow (captured by George's Canon) on 3/9/17.  Believe it or not but it was totally DARK when he took this picture... George will post an even better picture of the moonbow both on Facebook and on his blog.  (Remember that it was totally dark and that we couldn't see this with the naked eye.)

Two people in love enjoying a waterfall and celebrating George's Birthday (3/9/17)
Well,  besides enjoying Cumberland Falls both during the day and at night,  we also enjoyed a delicious Birthday Dinner at the state park lodge restaurant...  All in all,  it was a great day and I hope that my Sweetheart enjoyed it as much as I did...

We got home the next afternoon ---and guess what I did???????  Went to bed for a long nap!!!! ha

Have a great week, my Friends,  and don't miss seeing George's blog post today. Click HERE  to see a REALLY great Moonbow picture.
