Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, March 30, 2020

MARCH 2020--- A Crazy Month, but even still, there's HOPE and BEAUTY

Some pretty CROCUSES in our yard (3/12/20) --usually the first flower to bloom in Spring!
Dear Friends and Family,   I for one will be glad to see the month of MARCH move on 'outta' here this year!  Besides the terrible COVID-19 CoronaVirus,   here in Tennessee we have experienced tornadoes nearby,  along with huge amounts of rain and dreary skies most of the month. However, for the past 2-3 days,  we finally have had some beautiful blue skies and sunshine!!!!! WELL---then last night happened  (3/29/20)!!!!  We had a huge storm here ---taking our deck umbrella and deck table for a ride!!!  Again though, like during the tornadoes,  we were very LUCKY in that we didn't have much damage.  Other areas around us sustained much worse damage.

BUT--as in all storms we experience in life,  God gives us HOPE for better days ahead for each of us.   As I write this post (after our big storm),   I am looking at some beautiful blue skies and SUNSHINE!!!!!  The flowers are blooming --and all is right with the world!!!!

I have taken these pictures off and on during March around our yard,  to share with you today.  Hope you enjoy them as much as I do sharing them with you.

Pink HYACINTH bloom,  3/12/20;   I love to smell these --especially when George brings one inside in a vase for me to enjoy!

We have many Varieties of DAFFODILS which bloom off and on for about 1-2 months.  This was one of our first groups to bloom --3/12/20

A BRADFORD PEAR tree in bloom in our area,  3/12/20

A close-up picture of our special Ground Cover (PERIWINKLE) --which blooms every spring;  Taken 3/26/20

Our side yard --showing more Daffodils and Periwinkle,  3/26/20;   As you can tell,  we still do not have any leaves on our big trees...

On 3/18/20,   I was so excited to wake up to a little SUNSHINE!!!  This was taken from my deck EARLY in the morning.  I think that the deer thought they were safe grazing on the golf course fairway in the fog!!!!

FORSYTHIA,  3/22/20;  I love seeing all of the yellow Forsythia in bloom in Spring.  We planted this little guy  (along with 4 others) from branches of one of our bigger bushes --and all five are looking good!

The DAFFODILS have done GREAT this spring,  3/26/20

This old woman absolutely loved sitting outside on 3/25/20 ---on the first full day of sunshine and blue skies in awhile!!!!!!  

OOPS..... I don't think the deck table and umbrella are supposed to look like that!!!!!   After finally having NO rain (from 3/25-3/28) ---we had a BIG STORM during the night on 3/29/20...   We were lucky though --since we didn't sustain much damage from this latest storm, except for the poor umbrella...

More of this year's Daffodils and some Tulips beginning to bloom,  3/26/20

The same group of Daffodils (see the picture above)  from the opposite direction,  3/26/20

I'll close with a picture of our front yard,  3/26/20;  Can you see George out there working in the Road Bed????  After all of the rains,  our grass certainly is pretty this year, don't you think?

WELL---enough for today... An upcoming post will feature close-ups of some of our Daffodil varieties and also our Tulips....  What hasn't bloomed yet:  Red Bud trees,   Dogwoods,  more Tulips and Daffodils, our Irises ---and the Lilies and Day Lilies!!!!  AND --then comes the Roses!!!!!   OH --how I love Spring in Tennessee.

I may complain about the rain and dreary skies --but I'd much rather have too much rain than to EVER have drought....   Today as I write this,  my heart and soul are full of HOPE for all of us.   We'll get through the "Virus from Hell" (as others have called it)...  We'll get through whatever nature gives us when it comes to rain and storms---and we'll all experience that rainbow and all of its colors AFTER it is all over!!!!

Have a great week --and stay HEALTHY and SMART...