Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Around Our Yard on July 4, 2014

Flag flying in our Yard on July 4 like it does everyday;  Happy Birthday America!
Hope ALL of you enjoyed the holiday weekend,  at least those of us who were celebrating this particular holiday.  George and I stayed home ---and just enjoyed our yard and flowers and the gorgeous weather we enjoyed on the 4th.  Our temperatures that day were PERFECT  (in the 50's for a low and in the 70's for a high)... AMAZING....  AND--not only did we have mild temperatures but we also enjoyed very blue skies,  sunshine, low humidity and no haze.... Like I said,  we truly had a PERFECT day!

We relaxed and just enjoyed each other on that day and then enjoyed eating some steaks which George grilled for us --along with a baked potato,  sliced tomatoes and some cranberry relish... And of course,  we HAD to have some watermelon.  DELICIOUS!!!

Today I will share with you photos of our beautiful yard on that day... I took photos several different times during the day for different perspectives.  Hope you enjoy the photos since our Lilies and Daylilies are showing off  now.... We are so blessed to have all of these beauties in our yard.  Hope you enjoy seeing them.  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

Our yard early in the morning on July 4th;   I took this one in the road looking toward the house. Can you see the SUNBEAMS?????  (Click on this one.)

TOUCHING Lilies have really put on an amazing show this year!  You should smell these beauties!

Beautiful lily in our Lamppost Flowerbed named LOMBARDIA;  I love the colors!

Looking through the TOUCHING Lilies at the beautiful blue sky;


Looking across the yard --showing off the Road Flowerbed from the road;  This bed has Tulips, Irises, Roses, Lilies and Daylilies.  The bloomers now are Daylilies and Lilies and a few Roses.

A photo of ELEGANT CANDY Daylilies and TOUCHING Lilies ---against the really blue sky

CAMERON QUANTZ Daylily (one of my fav's since I love pastels)

Looking at the Road Flowerbed from the other direction (looking up the street);  This photo really shows off all of the colors. 

PANDORA'S BOX Daylily  (I love getting pictures of them in groups.)

Our home in Summer (what you can see of it)...  We love our big shade trees (until the leaves fall in Autumn... ha).  AND  whichever month I take a picture of our home,  it always looks different.  In June there were tons of Roses in bloom. This month--it's the Lilies and Daylilies TURN to SHINE.
As I said,  all of these photos were taken on July 4.  Many of my blog friends have been following me for years ---so you see our flowers every year.  Some of you might think that it's the same every year.  BUT--it is not.  Last year my favorite lily was one named PINK PERFECTION.  That one got damaged in a freeze this year --so we only had a few blooms... BUT--TOUCHING (which bloomed last year but not this much) decided that it was 'her' year to show off... I've probably taken 100+ photos of this lily... Amazing...

I'm not always pleased at how my photos come out--but this set made me smile.  I especially loved the one with the sunbeam (since I didn't notice it until I put the photo on the computer).. I also love the ones showing that gorgeous blue sky with the flowers in the photos!!!  Hope you enjoyed hearing and seeing more of our holiday!
