Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, July 7, 2014

Around Our Yard on July 4, 2014

Flag flying in our Yard on July 4 like it does everyday;  Happy Birthday America!
Hope ALL of you enjoyed the holiday weekend,  at least those of us who were celebrating this particular holiday.  George and I stayed home ---and just enjoyed our yard and flowers and the gorgeous weather we enjoyed on the 4th.  Our temperatures that day were PERFECT  (in the 50's for a low and in the 70's for a high)... AMAZING....  AND--not only did we have mild temperatures but we also enjoyed very blue skies,  sunshine, low humidity and no haze.... Like I said,  we truly had a PERFECT day!

We relaxed and just enjoyed each other on that day and then enjoyed eating some steaks which George grilled for us --along with a baked potato,  sliced tomatoes and some cranberry relish... And of course,  we HAD to have some watermelon.  DELICIOUS!!!

Today I will share with you photos of our beautiful yard on that day... I took photos several different times during the day for different perspectives.  Hope you enjoy the photos since our Lilies and Daylilies are showing off  now.... We are so blessed to have all of these beauties in our yard.  Hope you enjoy seeing them.  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

Our yard early in the morning on July 4th;   I took this one in the road looking toward the house. Can you see the SUNBEAMS?????  (Click on this one.)

TOUCHING Lilies have really put on an amazing show this year!  You should smell these beauties!

Beautiful lily in our Lamppost Flowerbed named LOMBARDIA;  I love the colors!

Looking through the TOUCHING Lilies at the beautiful blue sky;


Looking across the yard --showing off the Road Flowerbed from the road;  This bed has Tulips, Irises, Roses, Lilies and Daylilies.  The bloomers now are Daylilies and Lilies and a few Roses.

A photo of ELEGANT CANDY Daylilies and TOUCHING Lilies ---against the really blue sky

CAMERON QUANTZ Daylily (one of my fav's since I love pastels)

Looking at the Road Flowerbed from the other direction (looking up the street);  This photo really shows off all of the colors. 

PANDORA'S BOX Daylily  (I love getting pictures of them in groups.)

Our home in Summer (what you can see of it)...  We love our big shade trees (until the leaves fall in Autumn... ha).  AND  whichever month I take a picture of our home,  it always looks different.  In June there were tons of Roses in bloom. This month--it's the Lilies and Daylilies TURN to SHINE.
As I said,  all of these photos were taken on July 4.  Many of my blog friends have been following me for years ---so you see our flowers every year.  Some of you might think that it's the same every year.  BUT--it is not.  Last year my favorite lily was one named PINK PERFECTION.  That one got damaged in a freeze this year --so we only had a few blooms... BUT--TOUCHING (which bloomed last year but not this much) decided that it was 'her' year to show off... I've probably taken 100+ photos of this lily... Amazing...

I'm not always pleased at how my photos come out--but this set made me smile.  I especially loved the one with the sunbeam (since I didn't notice it until I put the photo on the computer).. I also love the ones showing that gorgeous blue sky with the flowers in the photos!!!  Hope you enjoyed hearing and seeing more of our holiday!



Ginny Hartzler said...

Yes, I love that sunbeam, and that is my favorite picture! Next favorite is 4!! Sounds like you had a awesome weekend! Your honey and good food, what could be better?

Anonymous said...

What fabulous flowers!

Tabor said...

You have a lovely yard. I get ideas from your photos. How often do you divide your daylilies?

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, your yard is absolutely gorgeous. I love all your lilies.. Have a happy day!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

would you all have any clue how many you plant? they are a plenty. so gorgeous. i love all the different colors. i bet they smell just heavenly. enjoy your week!! ( :

From the Kitchen said...

Beautiful!! We had the same lovely weather as you. Not as many flowers though!!


linda m said...

The photo with the sunbeam is my favorite by far. Your yard is just so beautiful. Glad you had such nice weather.

Jim and Sandie said...

Your yard is really incredible. Just absolutely gorgeous.

George said...

You did a great job capturing all the beautiful blossoms in our yard on the Fourth, but I think my favorite picture is the one with the sunbeams. That one is simply fantastic.

Out on the prairie said...

Glad you had a good 4th. I almost ate a small watermelon by myself it was so good. I had a couple people from church come over and had fun making a 7 course meal for us to enjoy.

Jo said...

I love the early morning anywhere and your first photo captures your special holiday so well. My abs favorite. Your garden must top any perfumery, Betsy. Enjoy every minute. Blessings. Jo

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my favorites are the two that show your whole house with all those wonderful beautiful TREES. i love trees and you have so many

Beatriz said...

Certainly, you live in a paradise!!!

Your yard is beautiful in any season, as I could see here... but now it's magnifique!

Hope you have a great week, Betsy!

Hugs, Bia

David said...

Betsy, Nice photos! The weather was about perfect down here in the valley as well... Low 80's and plenty of blue skies. Brother-in-law and I went fishing on Big Dude's dock in the AM...then it was grilled steaks, roasted potatoes, fresh green bean and cheesy muffins for dinner...with Tic Toc ice cream a little later. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Janie said...

Your house looks like the perfect retreat with the big trees and the day lilies in the foreground. All that shade must help you stay cool on hot summer days.

Linda P said...

Those two-toned lilies in the first photos are so pretty. The flower bed is a mass of blooms. I'm sure your neighbours appreciate seeing the beautiful display. You have a lovely, shady garden for when the sun shines even though it's a lot of work to clear those leaves later on in the year.

Beth said...

I particularly like the Perfect Peach Glory--love the soft pastel coloring.
The sunbeams pic is esp.good, though they all are wonderful.
I did a post on my flowers too. I don't have the variety you do, nor do I know all the names, but I still enjoy them.
We have beautiful daylilies at the farm house that the previous owner planted. I like sitting on the back porch and gazing at them. So peaceful.
We had a quiet July 4th also. It is a blessing to be able to just 'be' when together. :>)

Connie said...

Your flowers and your yard are glorious, Betsy! So pretty!!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful yard, gorgeous, colorful flowers and heavenly blue skies!! I love it -- all!! Doesn't get any better, Betsy! What a great holiday weekend!! Thank you for sharing it with us! Have a wonderful week!!

Terry and Linda said...

I love the colors in your yard! Just stunning!


Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, so happy for you that you enjoyed a nice Independence Day holiday. I stayed home as I had been mildly sick with a tummy virus. Your yards always look great - you both work hard at keeping a beautiful place. I am sure your neighbors also appreciate your efforts! Have a wonderful day!

Arkansas Patti said...

Wasn't this past weekend just perfect? That is how all days should be. Cool and sunny with brilliant blue skies.
Love those Touching Lilies and did not know they were fragrant.

Rose said...

Oh, Betsy, they are all so beautiful. I enjoy seeing them any time. always try to pick my favorite and most times can't.

We had the perfect weather, too. Though I think it did get close to 80 that day, but in the shade it could not have been better.

I am doing up laundry...Sarah wants Lorelei home tomorrow and she was not ready to go. So Roger promised her we would take her and spend the night with her. She is fine with that.

HappyK said...

Your yard is so beautiful. Can't even find the words to say how nice it is. WOW.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
The sunbeam photo is stunning! your home looks so beautiful and perfectly highlighted by the sublime sunbeams, it looks like paradise! where we live a yard is a teeny tiny space at the back of a very small house, I would call yours a very grand garden! I'm so happy you and George had a perfect July 4th too, dinner sounded delicious! x x x

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Always, but always enjoy your floral images Betsy amid your beautiful garden. Your property is set within the most lovely location, very lucky! I love it when the critters visit too and the birds of course! I do wonder though how on earth you keep the deer from eating just everything! The Touching lillies took my breath away and I truly can only but imagine the smell.

Kay said...

Your yard always looks so good. You guys really do take good care of it.

Ann said...

It does sound like the perfect day and that's a lot like how we spent our 4th. We had burgers instead of steaks though:)
Your yard looks amazing

Betsy said...

Your yard is just pure amazing Betsy! I would love to have one just like it someday. :-) We had a very nice 4th also. We spent it at the lake with picture perfect weather up here in Washington State too.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers with us.

Sally Wessely said...

The sunbeam was a special gift just for you. I always enjoy seeing your flowers. They just must be spectacular in person.

Unknown said...

Your garden is stunning and all the flowers!! Must be such joy to see this around you every day! I never get tired of seeing your pictures. Enjoy your day!

Catherine said...

Hope you had a terrific weekend celebrating and are having a wonderful week Betsy! Keep enjoying your flowers!
xo Catherine

Helen said...

So pretty your yard and I knew it took lots of work.

Linda said...

Wonderful pictures! Your day lilies are giving the roses some real competition!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Wow! Your home is magnificent. I love the photos of your beautiful daylilies. You did a fabulous job photographing them. All of the pictures are very pretty. I'm glad you and George had a wonderful 4th of July.

pam said...

I know, our weather was perfect too! Probably the best weather ever! I need more day lilies yours are gorgeous!

Miss Debbie said...

My goodness, what beautiful lilies! You must spend a lot of time working in your yard...it is always so lovely!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful photos, Betsy.
Hope you two are enjoying the week.

Shug said...

Hi Betsy....you and George have such a beautiful place and I know you especially enjoy it during the summer. so much beauty all around!!
Of course, I know that all of this doesn't just happen...it takes work and you two have done an awesome job at making your place look great..

Busy Bee Suz said...

Lovely captures. I too love a little bit of sun flare in photos. Your yard is always gorgeous….but I think your summer yard is the BOMB! Perfection.
Glad you both had a nice fourth; your meal sounds perfect.

Small Kucing said...

The vibrant colors of the flowers really made my day.