Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Our Yard in July, 2013

If you are on Facebook,  then you have seen some of these photos.  Our yard RIGHT NOW is just awesome.  We have ROSES, LILIES and DAYLILIES all blooming... Everything is ablaze with color... It's just so exciting!   George and I go outside every morning and every evening and take pictures... SO--I just HAVE to share some of them with you today.

The picture above shows most of the front yard ---so you can see much of the colors.  Be sure to click on the pictures to see enlargements.

The one thing we really struggle getting to bloom here is our one and only CLEMATIS.  That bush used to bloom like crazy --but the last 2-3 yrs,  we can't get it to bloom much at all.  We finally cut back some of the Redbud tree which was causing it to be shaded... We now have 4-5 blooms --but not too much.  The plant itself looks healthy --but it just doesn't like to bloom... Grrrrrrrr!!!! 

We have lots of HOSTA in our yard --and it has done GREAT this year.  Here's a photo of two of them blooming like crazy.... Oh how I love Hosta.

We also have lots of SEMPERVIVUM in our yard... Some people call these Hens and Chicks... When the Mama Hen BLOOMS (see photo above),  that means that she will die --and the babies take over.... Then the babies become Mamas --and the process starts all over again... I do love their blooms --but hate the fact that they will soon die.  But--that's just the way it is!!!!!

This is one of our ROSE beds.   As most of you know,  we have 57 different varieties of HYBRID TEA and GRANDIFLORA ROSES  in our yard.  Right now,  we have many, many of them blooming...  They are all so pretty.

Here's a photo showing our "Road Flowerbed".   IN this bed,  you will see ROSES, LILIES and DAYLILIES...  This is a beautiful bed with lots and lots of colors....

This is our LILY  and  DAYLILY collection in the "Side Flowerbed"...    I love this bed since I can enjoy the colors from the kitchen and our Living Room area.

I showed you 14 of our varieties of LILIES in  this post.  Click HERE to see that post.  Since I published that one,  we have TWO MORE lilies which have bloomed.  One of them is GOLD BAND.    Isn't this a pretty Lily?   

The other new LILY  is named SIMPLON.  There are many more of these to bloom --but this pretty white lily is gorgeous,  especially when many of them are blooming next to each other.  (I will share another photo once more of these bloom.)

Our DAYLILIES have been fabulous this year.   I still have many more posts of these beauties --but one has been published.  IF you missed seeing this first post,  click HERE.   The group featured here are named SPANISH GLOW.  Aren't they gorgeous? 

Another favorite DAYLILY is named LAVENDER DEAL.  I love this color, don't you?

And here is one more group of a favorite DAYLILY.  Many people liked this one when I featured it on the last Daylily Blog post.   This one is named FOOLED ME --and it has bloomed and bloomed this year.

One of my favorite LILY blooms this year has been one named TOUCHING... Like Pink Perfection (featured on the last Lily post),  this group has been fantastic... I loved this picture taken from the yard--looking UP at these lilies...   I took this photo late one afternoon ---so the afternoon sun is shining on them... Pretty, huh?

Finally,  here's one final look at our front yard  (featuring the SOUTH SEAS DAYLILIES).   Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our photos taken from our yard in July.

NOW---click HERE to go to my Photo Blog.  You will see one more photo taken in our yard during this past month.  Hope you enjoy it ---and all of these.
