Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Birthday Weekend

Two very special people to me are having birthdays this weekend. First, my great friend, Judy, had a birthday yesterday (Saturday). I talked to her on the phone --since she is visiting her brother and sister-in-law in Virginia this weekend. I love the picture below of Judy---doing what Judy loves to do. She's sitting on her deck (with a fabulous view) at their second home in the mountains of North Carolina. AND---she has that blackberry out doing what she does constantly---writing me (I hope). ha ha......... Happy Birthday, my special friend.

AND--------my eldest grandchild is SIXTEEN TODAY..... I cannot believe it. I witnessed this young lady's birth --and it 'couldn't' have been 16 years ago... Mercy me--how time flies. My son and daughter-in-law have dreaded this day for quite some time. Guess why????? She is getting her driver's license... If you live in Texas, stay off the road for awhile... ha ha ha (Just kidding since I'm sure she will be a fantastic driver!!!!)

Happy Birthday, Gorgeous Granddaughter of mine. The picture below is of her and her boyfriend all dressed up for Homecoming at their school this Fall. Isn't she a beauty????

Any birthdays in your list of family members or friends this weekend????? Whatever is going on, I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.
