Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Glitz and Glamour Town

Even though we spent almost 3 weeks traveling out west,  we only had ONE evening to visit Las Vegas.  Neither of us had been there ---so we really didn't know what to do.  My son and family lived there for awhile, and we should have visited then.. But--we didn't!!  BUT--he talked about the good buffet restaurants in most of the casinos/hotels.

SO--we just got a map and picked a pretty one,  Excalabur...  Parked the car --and headed into the casino...  Gosh---I've never heard so much NOISE in my life... ha ha ... People were gambling away their life savings ---so we just walked around and stared at everything.  Went up to the 2nd floor to their restaurant... It was huge --and the food was great.  It wasn't expensive either --so we certainly enjoyed our dinner that night despite all of the noise and crowds around.

I knew that I wanted to see Vegas after dark,  so we walked around and saw several other casinos.  In Vegas,  there are 'people movers' which go between one hotel/casino to the next... We walked and walked --and finally realized that we were lost....

We made our way somehow outside ---and then we couldn't find the main drag (strip) AND we had no idea where our car was...  We were two tourists for sure!!!!! ha ha ... Anyhow--we finally found our car and finally made it back to the main street (what they call the strip).

I wanted to get some photos along the strip --but guess what????  Traffic was horrible.  We ended up in the middle lane and nobody was moving.  There was no good way to get photos... SO---we drove a few blocks and finally made our way to the right lane so that we could turn.  We got OUTTA there --and headed back to Henderson where our motel was.

Did I have fun in Vegas?   Yes---it was nice,  but I'm a nature-lover and am not crazy about traffic nor crowds...  I won't say that I didn't enjoy it because I've always wanted to see Vegas.  So--even though I didn't get to see much,  it was a good memory for me.  Would I go back????  Probably not ---unless it is AFTER I finish going through my LONG list of places I want to visit in our country... ha

Here are a few pictures we managed to take that evening.  The one at the top is the Excalabur,  where we ate.  Pretty, huh????   Below are a few more.  (Click to enlarge them!)

Well---it's not much ---but if you haven't been to Vegas,  this is a taste of some of the glitz.... I've heard that the shows are wonderful ---and there are TONS of other places which we didn't see.   SO---if you get there,  hopefully you will get better pictures than we did...
