Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Monday, October 23, 2023


 Dear Blog Friends,   What a month I have had!!!! October has just passed me by!!! In fact, 2023 has been a year I hope I never have again!   After several heart-aches and health problems this year,   I am still glad to be here ---kicking and screaming (ha)!!

For you see,  I had another health emergency --and this one turned out to be the worst one I've had.  A few weeks ago,  following the big Hematoma on my hip,  my Cardiologist said that I needed to get a Watchman Implant put in my heart,  so that I could get off of the dangerous Blood Thinner.  I was thrilled to get that procedure done, so we planned it... 

On October 12,  I went to the hospital and had that procedure done.  It was successful.   HOWEVER,  during that process,  the doctors hit an ARTERY --which caused lots and lots of bleeding.  My Blood Pressure dropped so low that they thought I would go into Cardiac Arrest.  Luckily, they found the leak and fixed it (with the help of TWO stints)...  AND--I'm still here to tell that story!!  Thanks be to God.

It's been a little over a week since all of this happened,  and I'm am home recovering... I'm black and blue from the bruising and I have a big Hematoma on the upper part of my right leg...  But--with each passing day,  I'm beginning to feel better. It's a long process and I just need to be patient.

Yesterday my Sweet Husband took me for a ride along the back roads in our area... (We had missed our annual trip to the Smokies/Cherohala this year.)  So this little ride gave me an opportunity to take some Fall pictures on the Cumberland Plateau... It was so much fun --and was like "medicine" for my soul.

Here are a few pictures for you today.  Hope you are all WELL and HAPPY.  

Love to ALL,