Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Autumn Decorations --Part II

Last week,  I posted  our inside Autumn Decorations here at our home.  If you missed that post,  you can see it by clicking HERE.   Today I will share some of what Autumn looks like outside in our yard.  Above is a picture of our home --taken from the street.   You can see one of our pumpkins --and a little decoration on the front porch.  Below are more.

Here is a close-up of our little Miss Autumn sitting on our front porch . She has been with us for several years ---and truly needs a complete make-over.. BUT--when I think about replacing her,  she cries and begs to stay with us for at least one more year.....  

This is Miss Autumn's brother,  Billy Bob... He also has been with us for many years ---and even though he is faded and held together with some safety pins,  he also begs to stay in our yard another year...   He loves to relax on the flagpole.  Think he'll make it one more year??????  I hope so!!!!

We don't have too much Fall color yet --although it seems to get a little prettier everyday.   Here is a picture of the Sumac near our home.   I love the REDS of Autumn.. This one is pretty!

Another pretty tree in our yard is our Pink Dogwood.  It just seems to get more gorgeous every day.  I love the red berries.

Here is a picture of our front yard  taken on Oct. 5.   Now you need to note the picture below.  We are beginning to get some color now!!!! On Oct. 5, you can see very little color in the big trees behind the house --but thankfully,  we will continue to get more colorful, as we go through this next week or two.  The roses are still blooming --and other than some cool nights,  it still feels alot like Summer here.   AND--might I add that it has been extremely DRY.

I will finish with a picture taken by George on Saturday,  Oct. 9,  of the big trees behind our house... You can tell when comparing this picture to the picture above that the trees are beginning to change colors here.  Yeah!!!!!

Hope you had a good weekend.  We spent most of the weekend working in the yard.   I must have raked up and picked up a million (or more) Chestnut Oak nuts in our front yard... AND--they are still pouring down!!!!   (Feels really 'good' when one of those nuts hits me on the head!!!!! Yipes!)

IF the old statement that a large mast crop means a harsh winter is TRUE,  we will have a doozy of a winter here...  I cannot tell you how many nuts there are --but the ground is COVERED.   As I said,  the 'nuts' are winning---and I don't mean this ole' female Nut..... Tee Hee!!
