Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Azaleas are Spring!!!!

One of our Front Yard Azaleas --5/3/20
Dear Friends,   Hope this finds all of you healthy and happy!  I don't know about you --but I'm SO ready to get this Pandemic OVER and DONE....  I'm  tired of reading about it;  tired of hearing about it --over and over and over...   I'm sorry to say this,  since I TRY to stay positive  (and have until recently)...  I will continue to be careful and we'll make it through this....

What worries me more now than the Virus is the Economy....  We are in such a terrible mess ---and so many other things in life we count on,  such as our food supply (and I'm NOT talking about toilet paper),   will cause other problems over the next many months....When we made our weekly Walmart trip (wearing our masks) this past Friday,   we noticed so many shelves (of many ordinary things) fairly empty...  Farmers are having to throw out milk and eggs since the factories and packing plants have been closed.    Ordinary people are out of work --and need to work in order to feed their families....  All of this scares me MUCH more than the Virus does.... OKAY---I'll get off of my soap box!!!!  SORRY!!!

The biggest JOY lately for us has been taking time to enjoy all of the Spring flowers/plants/shrubs in our yard and neighborhood.   We cannot travel YET ---so sitting at home for days and days and months is not easy for us --but there's not a day that goes by that a new flower appears --smiling at us---and bringing us JOY...

Today, I'l share more of this JOY with you... We don't have many Azaleas,  and we miss going to Biltmore this time of year to see all of their gorgeous azaleas.  SO--instead of the huge Biltmore Azaleas this year,  we'll show you some from our yard.  We have two large ones in the front yard and about 6 smaller ones in the backyard... The large ones have been gorgeous, but even the smaller ones bloomed and were pretty this year.... All of the pictures were taken from 4/10/20 through 5/3/20.    Hope you enjoy seeing the colors!!!!

Okay---that's enough pretties for now!!!!!  As you can tell we have various colors of reds and pinks.... There are some white Azaleas across the street from us --but I've never had a White Azalea.... AND--I've never had a Purple Azalea.  How can that be--as much as I love purple!!!! ha ha

Hope I could put a smile on your face today....  Not only do the flowers make me smile,  but I got to see two of my sons yesterday  (first time in a LONG LONG time).   It was Mother's Day---and they took George and me on a picnic on the top of a mountain in the Cherokee National Forest.... How NEAT is that!!!!   It was one of the best Mother's Days I have ever had!!!!

Have an awesome week ---and 'keep on keeping on' and staying careful during these hard time...

Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day TOO!!!
