Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Gorgeous Rhododendron Blossoms--and More

Today I will share more pictures of our pretty yard this month.  Above is our big Rhododendron in the back yard next to the deck near the bird feeder area.  This Rhody is ALWAYS pretty this time of year --but this year,  like our Azaleas in front,  it has really put on a show.  (There are some advantages of lots of rain!!! Ha)

Here's a picture of the same Rhododendron taken from the yard --looking up at the huge bush.  We have two more Rhododendrons --one on either side of the large one.  For some reason,  one of them has never bloomed.  The other one is growing fast and trying to catch up with the big one.

Here's a close-up of one of the beautiful Rhododendron blooms.  SO pretty!!

When George and I bought this house,  we immediately looked for ground covers to add in certain areas of the yard where mowing is hard.   We chose the Periwinkle (which I have shown several times in blogs),  and we also chose some ENGLISH IVY.  Both are invasive --so you have to control where they go ---but once they are nice and thick,  they even take over all of the WEEDS....  We love that about them!!!!

Above you can see some of our ENGLISH IVY.  It is so pretty this time of year.  You can also see some little SIBERIAN IRISES (known by several names)  which were given to us by George's Dad several years ago.

Look at this flowerbed....Do you think the Lilies have taken over????? ha ha  (Can't wait 'til they bloom!!!)    Poor little Pansies are still trying to poke their little heads out---but the Lilies are 'in charge' in this bed.... ha

Here's a picture of our front yard showing those gorgeous Azaleas --and also some of our MANY blooming Roses.  If you look closely through the front storm door,  you can see part of the Rhododendron in the backyard...

Here's a close-up of one of the Azaleas --plus some of the roses.

Finally,  I saved the best 'til last.   This is my favorite rose,  DOUBLE DELIGHT.   Most of you know that we have over 50 Rose bushes  (Hybrid Teas and Grandafloras) in our yard... AND--many of them are blooming now as you can see if you click HERE...  I will share more pictures of our individual Roses in future blogs.  BUT--I just had to show you Double Delight today... It smells so good also!!!!!

QUESTION:  Is it just me,  or do your pictures seem to be darker after uploading them into Blogger now???? Did they do something to change some settings???? I am constantly having to go back and lighten them.  Geeessshhh!

Have a wonderful day and DO NOT MISS TOMORROW'S BLOG POST.