Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, May 16, 2011


As most of you know,  we have 57 different Rose Bushes in our yard.  We grow Hybrid Teas and Grandifloras.. WELL--I guess I should say that George grows them (they are his 'babies') and I ENJOY them.

Anyhow the first batch in spring is usually the prettiest blooms of the year (although they bloom off and on until late Fall).  This past week has truly been a rose show --in our own yard!!!!!   (Who needs Biltmore????? ha)

These are pictures I took last Friday morning --after a tiny bit of rain.  The one above is our big rose bed near the garage.  You can also see some Sempervivum growing along the edges.  Below are more pictures.

This is the smaller bed on the other side of the driveway near the flagpole.

We have 18 container roses---all along the driveway,  on both sides.  You might ask why do we have so many in containers.. WELL---George can tell you that the soil here is very rocky (dig down about 5-6 inches and you'll hit solid rock)... That is why we have 'built-up' flowerbeds,  plus the container roses.

Above is a picture of some of our container roses.  The only problem we have is that they become top-heavy and the high winds we get here will knock some of them over at times (or try to)!!!!

The picture above shows one of the rows of container roses.  They do almost as well as the ones planted in the ground--but George has to water them more often.

We used to have several rose bushes along the upper side of the house in that large 'side' flowerbed --but it's too shady for them there.  So --now they are all in front,  which is the only place we have abundant sunshine!!!!

George and I both have lots of 'up close and personal'   pictures of most of the roses (with their names included)--but that will be another blog.. Today,  here's a sample of the beauty!!!!

Here's a picture of the 'road' flowerbed (which I have shown several times this spring).  It certainly looks different than it did a month ago,  doesn't it???  Most of the Irises are gone --but the Roses and soon, the Lilies will put on a show!!!!

Finally,  here is a picture of 'almost' the whole thing!!!!!!  Wish you could come and see our yard now---and see the Roses!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed seeing our Roses today... Can you smell them?????  Most of our roses have a really wonderful fragrance, because when George orders new roses,  one of the criteria is that it delights the nose as well as the eyes.

Hope you had a good weekend.  We had a visit from my son, Jeff, yesterday... I had worked ALL week to powerwash the deck and deck furniture so we could sit out there yesterday... HA---Winter came (along with some rain).. SO--we sat inside with a roaring fire in the fireplace.   Can you believe this --on May 15????  Anyhow--we had a wonderful time.  I'll post pictures soon.



A Brit in Tennessee said...

I do believe they are prettier this year than last, is that even possible !
What a gorgeous entrance all lined with those heavenly blooms.

Mr. Bill said...

What a beautiful setting!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The Adams Gardens are every bit as beautiful as the Biltmore or others.Thanks for starting my day in this lovely way.

Arkansas Patti said...

What a gorgeous yard you have. George is a master designer. I do envy the smell and think your neighbors must love having you on the block.
We have dropped back into the down jacket range also. Weird.

nanniepannie said...

They are beautiful. Regular roses are too needy for me to have, but I did plant 6 new knock out rose bushes in the shared bed I have with my neighbor. The bed used to be a rose garden and my neighbor's Mom cared for them. My neighbor is now in her 90s and the roses are mostly gone. She tells me there was once about 80.

From the Kitchen said...

No flower smells sweeter than a rose and, in my opinion, it cannot be duplicated in a "lab". I can imagine how lovely the scent is in your garden. We have five rose bushes on the south side of our house and I love to pluck some for the house. Can't wait but winter is still here.


Catherine said...

With all those roses around your house Betsy, it must smell heavenly there!!
xo Catherine

mamahasspoken said...

It was cold here too. Spent the day curled up in a blanket on the couch, sleeping.
Love the roses, I try to grow them but between the black spots and the bugs, it doesn't work well for me :o(

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Betsy, your home is gorgeous...with all the beautiful roses and the lush greenness framing it...it is just so beautiful. George does such a great job with all those roses!!!
Have a beautiful day!!! maybe we can put our winter clothes away soon!!!

Larry said...

In response to "roses, roses, roses" I say beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!! 57 roses are a lot of roses Betsy... wow! I no longer have a single hybrid tea and must say that I do miss them. We barely escaped frost last night thanks to strong winds and same concern tonight... not a good thing with magnolias in bloom! Great post... Larry

diane b said...

George has done a fabulous job and you've been rewarded with an amazing display of beautiful roses. How lucky you are.

Anonymous said...

The roses are very beautiful. I wish I could see them in person! As I was looking at your pictures, I wondered if you ever notice anyone ever stopping in front of your house taking pictures of your flowers? Well, your blog is the last I read this morning. The buzzer just went off. I have a load of clothes to throw in the dryer and a load of clothes to fold. Before long it will be time for me to leave for work. Have a great day!

Karin said...

Ah, the rose expert does an amazing job on raising those beauties! Your garden is such a delight to the senses - wish I could visit!
Blessings for a great week!

Harriet said...

Love your beautiful roses! I only have one and it doesn't do very well since the area is in the shade now.When is the best time to move a rose?

amelia said...

Wow!! That last pic is quite something!! This should be in a magazine!!!

We have 0 degrees yesterday and today and we also had a fire all day and I'll light it soon today too!!

Out on the prairie said...

He has that special touch. I have a friend who hybridizes his own.

pam said...

Gorgeous! We turned our heat back on yesterday!! A week and a half left of school till summer and we have our heat on!

Lady Di Tn said...

DOUBLE WOW!!!! The roses are beautiful. All of George's fingers must be green. I only have a green thumb so I only have one knock out pink rose bush. The one right beside it died. I need to borrow George. LOL. We had a fire yesterday too. Seems as if we have too hot or too cold weather and the normal weather only appears briefly. Peace

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are beautiful, you call yours container roses, we call bobs a bucket garden, flowers or tomatoes. i like that last shot of the whole yard, they are really beautiful. i would love sitting by a roaring fire since we don't have a fireplace or weather to need one. it is also cool here, 65 and that is really cool for May in FL.

floweringmama said...

Wow! I got my first rose this year - a knockout rose.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

That is an amazing rose display. Each one is beautiful and I bet the smell is amazing.

Janice K said...

You have inspired me. When I saw the heading of your blog today, I thought I wonder how it is that their roses are always so beautiful when they live in a woods. I know I have seen your roses growing in containers before but suddenly it occured to me that maybe that would work for me. I have tried roses many times here, but have never had any success either because it is too shady or our ground is just not what roses need. A few years ago I went to mostly container planting for flowers so I could put them on my decks or porches where I did get more sunshine. I think I will try a rose this year.

Thanks for the inspiration with your beautiful yard.

I Am Woody said...

George would love the weather we have out here. Apparently it is perfect for roses. In our apartment complex, we have many rose bushes that have been blooming since we arrived here a year ago!

Busy Bee Suz said...

So glad you had a nice visit with Jeff..even if it was indoors!!!
Your yard is the prettiest ever....I bet the neighbors are all GREEN with envy.

Small City Scenes said...

Wonderful Betsy. Your house, yard and ROSES are beautiful. You both care so much.
Our Roses are barley up out this way. MB

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful! I love roses but only have luck with the Knockout variety. Maybe I should try growing them in pots. Love the way George has them lining the driveway. May I ask how big the pots are? I will be back to see what posts I've missed while on my break. Have a great day! The sun is shining here after a few gloomy and rainy days. Yippee!

Connie said...

They all look so pretty, Betsy, and I bet they smell heavenly. You are a lucky gal! :)

HappyK said...

I knew you had a lot of roses but not 57 different kinds. Wow, that's a lot. They are all beautiful.

Reanaclaire said...

the roses are beautiful!!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Your yard is a showplace, Betsy. Kudos to George for all his work with the roses. That swing looks awfully inviting, too.

Rose said...

We must have had the same weather yesterday! I had to have the heat on part of the day! WE have brilliant blue skies today...I a hanging out clothes.

I love all your roses....wonder if we could talk George into doing a post on how he goes about growing them????

Anonymous said...

A beautiful show in a lovely setting! I hope you can post the names of some of your roses soon, too.
We've been adding to our stock since we moved into our home a couple of years ago. We have patio roses and a couple of other varieties. My husband prunes and sticks the cuttings in the ground and they are doing well!

Sally Wessely said...

I can only imagine how beautiful your yard must be if view in the flesh. I do wish I could see it all in bloom. I admire George for this careful tending of all this beauty. Roses can be a lot of work, but worth the effort. These are truly beautiful.

Big Dude said...

They're magnificent Betsy. Bev has given up on regular roses and opted for the Knock Outs.

Elizabeth said...

Yes, Betsy, I CAN smell the rose scent! What a beautiful display, love that last photo of the 'almost' whole yard and the driveway rosebed. Soon, after this crazy cold weather is over, you'll be able to sit on the bench and enjoy! Can't believe it'll only get up to 57 degrees today here in NE Mississippi. I had to dig out my warm sweat pants, which had just last week been replaced by long shorts!

Have a lovely week.

Tracy said...

Ahhh, Betsy, those are quite lovely and I want to know how many times the containers have been knocked down when someone drives into them entering the driveway? I'm asking because that's what I'd do...too close for comfort!

They are all lovely and I am so impressed at George's tending to them; they are gorgeous and I agree; who needs Biltmore? I think you should start your own touring business :)
thanks for the lovliness today and have an awesome afternoon!

imac said...

Just like chocolate - they grow on you,lol.

Diane said...

Your yard and roses are beautiful Betsy. At least you got the deck clean for later!! Diane

Chatty Crone said...

This is the first time I have seen your beautiful yard and roses. It is wonderful beyond belief! I can't believe all those flowers. Tell George great job.

And I know what you mean about the weather - but the a/c bill will be way down - yeah.

Glad you had a nice visit with your son.

Jann said...

Love seeing your roses Betsy, am impressed that George can keep them so well in containers. We have 3 rose bushes, they aren't even close to blooming yet. Blah!

Kirigalpoththa said...

Love all of your roses!

mudderbear said...

Hi Betsy...Your roses are so lovely and they look so happy. We still have tulips about and the lilacs have finally bloomed. And it's cool again today!! I would love to come see your flowers...I also admire all those beautiful trees. It must be such the perfect place. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous roses...your yard is fantastic! Particularly excited about your container roses! Since I'm an apartment dweller...plants in containers are the way I have to go. I'd been thinking about having a container rose and didn't know anyone personally who grew them that way. So your post came at the perfect time for me. Would enjoy being able to obtain more information...like what varieties, where obtained, disease resistance, etc.

Neal said...

I know I repeat myself but you guys really have you house fixed up pretty.

nanny said...

I've had to turn the heat on a few times lately too. Unreal!
Your roses are gorgeous. My ground is rocky too....never thought about container roses. I must try it. I always thought they needed more care than I knew how to give them, but I can try!!
I'm trying to catch up with everyone....been so busy, it's ridiculous!

KathyA said...

Oh the beauty!!!!

And the roses along the drive look like sentinels!!

I'm using really big pots -- potting JFK today. We'll be experiencing a first flush within a few days. And you're right -- even though they bloom all summer -- that first flush is the best!!

Susie Swanson said...

They are all so beautiful and your yard is just gorgeous. You both have green thumbs. I love roses.

Kelly said...

I've seen those roses in person, and they are gorgeous! Looking good, Betsy. It's so cold here today...55degrees. The roses around here are not happy!

Ann said...

Your roses are gorgeous. I can just imagine how heavenly it must smell around there. I'm afraid we have a bit of a wait before we see any roses around here, although we are at least seeing some color around here now.
too bad about the crummy weather you had for your visit with your son. We had rain all weekend and it's supposed to continue all week long

Carletta said...

Such beauty that you have Betsy! I bet your neighbors are so jealous.
I marvel at how well George does with so many and your yard always looks trimmed and immaculate!
We pressure washed our deck yesterday and today it's like there - we're in the 50's after rain last night. I want my warm temps back. :)

LV said...

I never dreamed you two had that many different roses. Amazing. I do good to keep one or two bushes alive and you have a rose paradise yard. It and the surroundings are mind boggling.

Glenda said...

Betsy, I've been away from my computer for five days, so I'm behind reading blogs. Your yard is so so beautiful . . . 57 rose bushes . . . Wow!! All of them are gorgeous, but I love the raindrops on the pink.

Hope you have a blessed week!

Shug said...

Hi Betsy:

You have your own little Biltmore gardens right there in your own front yard...BEAUTIFUL!

I can just smell the fragrance of all of those gorgeous roses...
Thanks for sharing..


Lynda said...

So how many hours a week do you think you all work in your yard?
It is soooooo beautiful!

Pedaling said...

We are having the same kind of cold weather here in Utah...I am so ready for some steady warmth.

Your roses are always so beautiful, and yes, I could almost smell them. ;)
Wish I could come visit that beautiful home and yard of yours....it is so inviting.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

We still have no leaves on the trees and it's cold and rainy. Your garden looks so beautiful. I love the one with the house in it.

Unknown said...

These Roses are so beautiful. When I see something like this I'm at a loss for words.
It seems God gives talent to those who will use those talents for the enjoyment of all Who may pass by.

SquirrelQueen said...

I can't believe you have blooms already, ours just barely have buds. Your yard is so beautiful with all the different colors.

Our winter returned over the weekend too. Saturday afternoon was near 80 and just before nightfall a cold front moved through behind a big thunderstorm. It is May isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Your yard is a showcase and I can only imagine how good the roses smell. Glad you had a good visit with your son despite the cool, damp weather. Have a good day.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Mmmmmm! Just gorgeous!

Fred Alton said...

That has to be the prettiest yard in Fairfield Glade! Absolutely gorgeous flowers. ALL. ☺

Janie said...

Sorry the weather changed your deck plans, but sitting inside by the fire is a cozy way to spend a visit, even if a bit unusual for mid-May!
Your gorgeous roses make your home a showplace.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Can we say jealous! I have about twelve roses now. Most are just babies in my new flowerbed Ed put in for us. :)

Annie Jeffries said...

Absolutely glorious, Betsy. Yes, I miss this the first time around. Exquisite.

And . . . it's 5:11 a.m. in your part of the world. You either never went to bed or are up very early. Of course, I'm the pot calling the kettle black as I'm UP myself. No excuses either.

Jo said...

Hi Betsy, I missed this post as we were travelling in SA at the time. What a show-stopper, er, traffic-stopper this display of beautiful roses must be. Congratulations to George on these divine blooms. And thanks for sharing them here and close-up today, 3rd June. Blessings and hugs Jo