Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, May 13, 2011

April Backyard Birds

After eleven posts,  I have decided to give "Let's Talk Friday" a break... I may bring it back sometime--but right now,  I have too many other posts to do!!!!!   Today I'm sharing a few of the backyard birds which I saw at my feeders during April.  Above is always a favorite of mine,  the PILEATED WOODPECKER.   Here he is sitting on the rail getting ready to pounce on the suet feeder...

I heard Mr. PIleated say:  "Okay--now that I'm here,  what do I do next?????"  ha ha... Silly bird!!!

"This is better" he said!!!!  "YUM---how I love this delicious suet.."

We have lots and lots of finches this Spring.  We have Goldfinches,  House Finches and Pine Siskins...  I enjoyed watching the male Goldfinches change colors from one day to the next during April... NOW (not when this picture was taken)---they are just gorgeous in their bright yellow and black colors.

How many finches will fit on one plate feeder????????ha

Here is the beautiful bird which visits us every spring and fall --as they migrate.  He is a male ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK.   Luckily,  we had several males aand females visit us for a couple of weeks during April. They are so gorgeous...

Here is the female ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK.  She is beautiful also--but looks very different from the male.

WELL---this is just a sampling for all of the birds that visited our feeders during April.   Besides this group,  we enjoyed seeing our Eastern Bluebirds (which are nesting in our nestbox nearby),  Cardinals,  Tufted Titmice,  Carolina Chickadees,  White-breasted Nuthatches,  Carolina Wrens,  Mourning Doves,  Brown Thrashers, Bluejays, Robins (YES--they like the suet feeders also),  and our resident woodpeckers (Red-bellied,  Downy, and Northern Flickers).   I have also seen a few Hummingbirds --but haven't gotten any pictures yet.

Hope you enjoyed my Backyard Birds!!!!  Have a wonderful weekend and I'll see you on Monday.  Hope Blogger BEHAVES itself now..


P.S.  Be sure and look at yesterday's blog showing some gorgeous Azaleas (if you missed it yesterday).  I had about 30 comments before Blogger went down---but lost them... Had to republish that post...  (Even lost a post I had in the 'hopper' for next week....Darn!)


Anonymous said...

I like the Pileated Woodpecker too. It is a very pretty bird. The rose-breasted grosbeak are in my neck of the woods now :-) I hope blogger behaves itself too. Are you missing a blog post? I am. I wonder if the blog post will come back ...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I counted 9 finces on the plate, wow and i like the woodpecker doing his chin ups, or would that be beak ups

amelia said...

I have rose breasted grosbeaks at my feeder today for the first time this year!! They're so very pretty and this morning I had about twenty goldfinches in full colour on my feeding tray!
Too bad it's raining, they all look so lovely in the sun!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I always love woodpeckers, they seem rare to me? I just love all nature pics!

Chatty Crone said...

First of all you must have one of those great cameras with the big lenses lucky you.

I LOVE to watch birds. You got some great shots here.

Don't you wonder when the woodpeckers peck - if they get headaches? What a way to get a girl.


Larry said...

I've been getting some photos of our birds as well... unfortunately no pileated woodpecker though! We have what appears to be a rose breasted grosbeak, but he appears to be considerably larger than the one you've pictured... perhaps fluffed up for our northern climate!
Have a great weekend... Larry

Ruth Hiebert said...

I'm loving your birds,most of which I also see on my yard.Spring is so wonderful.I just wish this excitement lasted longer.I'm off to visit Jake's family this weekend.

From the Kitchen said...

Seagulls--that's what I've been seeing for the past week!! Imagine my frustration to return home and not being able to "visit" my blogging friends!! I'll be working on catching up soon--after opening snail mail, cyber mail and doing laundry!!


Susie Swanson said...

I like the woodpecker and the finches. I love all birds, we are having quite a few this year, some I've never seen before.. I know what you mean about the blogger going down. I had some problems too... Susie

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are up FAST once we are all back!! Of course I love the bird pictures!! You take fabulous pictures of them! The starlings have just discovered our two suet feeders and are eating one cake a day!! I really don't know what to do about it, may have to remove the suet feeders, which would be a shame because the woodpeckers and other birds like it!! But one cake a day is a bit much, and I don't have time to make my own.

myonlyphoto said...

Betsy you are so lucky tho have that many. I cannot even get that many when I go birding, lol. You reminded me when first time I saw the Pileated woodpecker, I was running through the fields like a mad woman with my camera. Thanks for sharing ... Anna :)

I Am Woody said...

Nice shots! You guys just keep getting better and better:)

Tracy said...

Gosh, I guess in being sick, I missed all the fun when blogger went down. I didn't realize it until I went to my blog and my most recent post was gone...oh well, gosh darn! But at least all the rest came up.
Anyway, I love your birds...the woodpecker is definitely one of my favs as well as the gold finch. Hey, when I saw you mention hummingbirds, it made me remember that we had one at the bird feeder the other day looking for nectar. I guess it is time to put up my hummingbird feeder.
Hugs to you my friend!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I imagine that suet feeder is a special treat for the pileated woodpecker...he doesn't have to knock his brains loose for it. :)

Arkansas Patti said...

I enjoy your feeder shots since I quit feeding when the weather gets nice and only supply fresh water. I make them work for a living in the warm months but do miss watching them. Thanks.
I lost Thurs post also. They are supposed to be restoring them but so far no luck. Rats.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Your fine feathered captures are just gorgeous Betsy!!!!

mamahasspoken said...

You inspired me to get a bird feeder and some seeds. Only problem is the only birds that visit it on a regular bases are crows. Big, black, and noisy crows...

Ann said...

gorgeous pictures of the birds. My but you have a good variety of them. I love that picture of the woodpecker hanging from the perch on the suet feeder.

Rose said...

I love seeing the pileated woodpecker...I finally got all my posts back, but not the comments...makes me think about starting to write the posts on my computer...so if they get really lost! I have not checked to see about the ones I have scheduled on my other blog...and haven't looked my less used From the dirt Road blog...

But hey, it is free....so am not going to complain. It is frustrating, but I imagine it is even more frustrating for them.

Janice K said...

It is so neat that your Pilated comes to your feeder. I see and hear one or more around here this Spring, but they are so far out in the trees, the pictures aren't that great. These last couple of weeks have been so much fun..Migration is definitely happening!

By the way, I wrote this before, but the azaleas were awesome.

Connie said...

Great pictures of your backyard birds, Betsy. I enjoyed seeing your feathered friends. Hope you have a nice weekend! :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Betsy, I just want to know if you give extra treats to the little birdies who give you the comical shots? You catch some of the cutese expressions on those little guys.

Love the azaleas in the last post, the colors are amazing.

Catherine said...

I'm still waiting for my colorful birds to return ~ hopefully soon!

I hope you have a joyful weekend Betsy!
xo Catherine

Karin said...

I sure do love seeing your backyard birds - because I don't have a backyard or such wonderful birds! Thank you soooooo much for sharing yours! Have a great week-end!

Fred Alton said...

I enjoy the pictures of your bird visitors very much. We have robins, cardinals, doves, Chik-a-dees and wrens just outside my window. They refuse to be still long enough for me to get their picture!

KathyA said...

I love watching the birds -- even if it's on your blog! So thank you, Betsy!

I put out a hummingbird feeder last week, but so far no takers. I'm wondering how long it has to hang there before they'll visit.

Diane said...

The bird shots are great Betsy.

Neal said...

That second picture is hilarious. Like you say I think he's wondering "Now what do I do?" :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I love your bird photos. They are amazing! I have my hummer feeders up but have not seen any hummingbirds yet. We have so many Mourning Doves in this yard. They often look like they are too big to lift off!!!
Wishing you and George a beautiful weekend. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous backyard beauties.

Lynda said...

Hopefully whatever Blogger's problem was is all corrected. You know they must have been panicked and stressed in the midst of it!
I am going to send your link to a friend who has started watching birds.
Plus, I will tell her to read your love story.

Susie Swanson said...

Thought I'd pop back over and thank you for the nice comments on my blog.

Blogger has been out of commision since yesterday and I lost a lot of comments on my last post. I've noticed that everyone is having that problem as well. Thanks again..Susie

Shug said...

I think your backyard birds are gorgeous! Makes me want to go get some feeders...I only have one and I don't think it is in a very good spot..I really do not know much about birds, but am really enjoying the pictures on all my blogging friends post..
have a good weekend..

Kay Baughman said...

What great shots of the Pileated Woodpecker! I'd love to have one here--but they are not this far south. One of the reasons I like looking at bird blogs is to see the birds I love that I never get to see.
Your photos are really good.

Anonymous said...

Wow - you managed to get up very close. Mr. Woody is just delightful!

Carletta said...

Love this Betsy!
The pileated woodpecker I saw earlier in the spring was so big he would have entirely covered the suet feeder. I haven't seen him anymore. :(
I have never seen a Grosbeak so this was a treat for me. You're right, he is beautiful!
Great shots!

I just checked on Blogger and they are saying they are still working on restoring comments so maybe we'll get those back yet.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Pileateds are wonderful as are the Rose-breast Grosbeaks. A nice series of shots for April. Cool...

Small City Scenes said...

Super shots, Betsy.

Always love a Pileated. Love the one where he is almost NOT at the feeder.

I like your new header too.

I am glad I missed a of Blogger's shenanigans,


Richard said...
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Richard said...

Great pictures Betsy but I would be remiss if I didn't point out that the first picture os of the "Mrs". No red mustache as is in the other pictures.

Terry and Linda said...

Great shots! You are very talented


imac said...

Full tweets of a wonderful post Betsy.

LV said...

All the birds that visit you are not dummies. They know a good place to rest and dine. I went back and saw the gorgeous azaleas.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hi Betsy,

That pileated has to be young...what a beauty. We have them in the woods all around us. They are our favorite large bird, then the crows and the hawks...lots of them. Do you make your own suet?

I love all of your photos...the birds are always a joy to look at. I was a casualty of Blogger on Thursday too....lost that day's post then it came back on Friday minus all of the comments. I've got my Pink Saturday post up now...so far so good.

Come over when you get a chance.
Stephanie ♥

Dar said...

Joyful Betsy,
I LOVE seeing the birds. I LOVE that your camera is doing such a good job at your hand. I LOVE the Pileated Woodpecker, what great shots. Mom called this morning just to tell me that besides the Baltimore Orioles and the Orchard Oriole, the 3 pair of Rosebreasted Grossbeaks, and all the common songbirds of spring, she now has a pair of Indigo Buntings. I am so jealous. I have not seen the Indigo Buntings for years, they are so gorgeous.
Love This Entry

Dar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Great post,
Back yard birds are often a surprise.
I will put up a blog showing the repairs I'll be making to my B.B.boxe's.

diane b said...

I'm trying to catch up after Blogger crashed. Love your backyard birds and especially the woodpecker wearing the red cyclist's helmet.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Love your birds! Finches and such are frequent visitors here, but have yet to see a Pileated Woodpecker; I might hear one -- or its cousin, but none in sight.

Beth said...

I esp. liked the grosbeak. He seemed a bit shy as if to say, "Am I welcome back?"
I always enjoy your bird pics and your azaleas post was outstanding. :)

LifeRamblings said...

your backyard birds are so gorgeous and it's hard to pick a favourite. enjoy your weekend Betsy.

Betty Manousos said...

what a lovely bird!

excellent shots, Betsy, your backyard looks heavenly!!


betty xx

Unknown said...

Love these bird pics! I think I have seen several of these same birds at my mom and dad's feeders. Do you make your own suet? If so, how do you do it? This would be a great summer project for the girls.

Blogger was a big poop wasn't it? Must have been the Friday the 13th curse??

Hope your weekend was nice. After malting through the middle of the week, we are back to socks, sweaters, and turning on the furnace this weekend! Oye!

nanniepannie said...

Hey from another TN girl. I was in your neck of the woods this past week visiting the Rusty Rooster on my way home from visiting my parents.
Great bird shots.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Great bird photos! I love them. We saw our first birdie at the bird bath yesterday. We were so excited. It didn't take the plunge....I had emptied it out to clean it and never filled it back up.

Anonymous said...

So amusing! Just the post to end my day and 'turn in' smiling. The azaleas are gorgeous too.
Have a good week, Betsy!

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm trying really hard to meet and make friends with a hot air balloon owner, I would love to take a ride!

Hope you two are having a great weekend.

Jann said...

Lovely Blog and photos! I'd love to see a pileated woodpecker some day, they're so awesome! That goes for the rose-breasted grosbeak too. :o)

Birdman said...

Woodpeckers LOVE the suet. Great colors.

Velva said...

I did enjoy backyard birds! I really enjoy watching birds. I find it very relaxing. I especially like your woodpecker photos.

Lisa said...

These are just beautiful captures.
I enjoyed each and eveyone.
Betsy have a good week.
Lisa xo

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I'm glad I was away on my quick trip to Chicago when Blogger got cranky --it saved me some trouble, I hope!

I love seeing all the birds that visit you each season, Betsy. You have the very best assortment of birds of anyone I know!

Callie Brady said...

Wonderful photos! We have some red headed wood peckers and some lovely Western Tanangers. All the birds are hiding from the snow.

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

Fabulous photos...I always love your bird shots!!!

Kirigalpoththa said...

That wood pecker is a beautiful bird!

Mary said...

Love the pileated and grosbeak photos! I'm going to scroll back through all your flower photos, but probably won't comment on each one. The roses in the post after this were beautiful, as always!

Janie said...

You got some great photos of the pileated woodpecker, Betsy. His expressions are great.

Veronica said...

LOVE the pileated woodpecker...nice shots!!